Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mistakes Part V

Failure to Recognize Your Group's Uniqueness 

As a leader, it's vital that you take the time to learn who is in your group. This starts with your first gathering when you talk about what you'll be doing together as a group and learn about those who came. Here are some questions keep in mind for each group member:

  1. Who are they? What are their personal passions, professions, and other interests? What brought them to the area?

  2. How long have they been at Crosspointe?

  3. What are they hoping to gain from the Life Group?

This initial conversation influences the way in which your group engages in study and in future conversations. Always be listening to what people have to say and where they're at/coming from spiritually.

Remember the basic principle: Your Life Group will be healthy when people feel loved. This isn't all up to you as the leader, but you are responsible for an atmosphere where it happens consistently and authentically. And, though this seems like a given; don't forget about God and the very real presence of Jesus Christ. A Life Group leader is the person who takes the lead in creating and maintaining an environment where biblical community can thrive, but it's God who does the actual growing (1 Corinthians 3:6–7). The question isn't what God can or does do in a Life Group. The question is, who are the members of YOUR Life Group, and what is God up to in the members of YOUR Life Group? Enjoy discovering the answer to that together!

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