Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mark 6:32-44 "I.D."

For all our efforts to modify behavior, manage sin and become the kind of people we can be proud of (while disguising all the parts that suggest we might not be), there's a simple power in seeing ourselves as God does. 

Recognizing our identity as Image Bears of the Divine, and awaking to our true selves, transforms us deeply. But failing to see ourselves in the proper light leaves us believing all kinds of cheap, flimsy ideas. And we'll live like it those ideas are true.

Spend some time as a group discussing this concept, and its practical aspects. For some in the group, this may be a new idea, for others a familiar exercise they have either begun to embrace, or still only "know about". For it to stick, you may find your group needs to become a place of encouragement and reminding. 

As iron sharpens iron,
    so one person sharpens another.

-Proverbs 27:17

  • Have you noticed your mood changing as the weather has?
  • What does your answer tell you about how we perceive reality?

  • 2 Corinthians 5:17 -18 
  • Ephesians 2:13 
  • Ephesians 2:19
  • Thoughts and impressions?

  • Why did Paul find it necessary to remind his brothers and sisters of these things?
  • What are the primary determiners of how we think of ourselves, and what challenges does that present us?

Thought Experiment
  • You find an old, tarnished, bronze lamp at an antique store. You strike a deal and buy it. Once home, you decide it needs polished and in keeping with the Hollywood Genie trope, you rub it to bring it to a shine. Out pops, or puffs, a Genie. Its appearance, depending on your preference, is either blue and masculine or female and a bit ditzy. Its voice is either Robin Williams or Barbara Eden accordingly. Your choice. You are told you get not three, but one wish. Additionally you cannot just wish for any thing. You may only wish to change something about what you are as a person. 
  • Share with the group what that wish would be, and afterward, spend some time discussing what this wish reveals to you about how you see yourself and what you think is necessarily missing from your identity. 
  • As a group, listen for themes and patterns in each others' sharing, trying to recognize how your group sees itself and what's longed for as a small sample of society.
  • How can this group help you hold onto your identity as a child of God throughout the week, and why might that be helpful?
  • How does recognizing our status as God's set apart ones (not superior ones, but set apart ones!) affect our closest relationships?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mark 6:12-34 "Tapped into Infinity"

Use this time to uncover ways that the members of your group may be operating relationally out of emptiness and scarcity, rather that in tune with the Spirit of God and the source of all life.
It will deeply affect everything.


  • What are some of the thoughts and feelings you have had about the events of this last week?
  • What are you learning about the world?
  • What does Christ say to these issues in your opinion?


  • Take some time to pray for people in Boston, Texas, China, N Korea, Yemen, Baghdad and anywhere else that occurs to you.


  • What stuck with you from Sunday the most?


  • Mark 6:12-34
  • Thoughts?
  • How does this story represent things in our own lives, in small and large scales?
  • How is Jesus able to not take out his disappointments on others?
  • Who do you know that is like this- in touch with reality and yet somehow still able to offer grace and goodness? how do/did they do it?
  • Is this simply a matter of personality, or is this available to all? Why do you feel this way?


  • Ephesians 4:25-32
  • Thoughts?
  • There are two different people depicted here: An anxious, entitled taker and and free giver. Where do you fall on a scale between these two with 

Your closest relationship?
Your parents?
Your kids?
Your employer?
Your fellow employees?
Your clients?
Your political leaders?
Your Ex?
Your professor?

Spend some time thinking about repentance in a new way; mindfulness about what your tapped into as you relate. If you believe you are tapped into scarcity, you will be an agitated, entitled taker. If you believe you are tapped into infinite love and acceptance, you will find yourself a giver of grace no matter what's going on. Spend some time quietly thinking through your relationships and maybe sharing with the group how you can imagine doing the work of mentally taking stock of what your mind feels connected to. How you might, before walking into your home, office, church, group, etc, "repent" and take note of what you are unconsciously believing about what you're drawing from- God, or a void.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mark 6:1-6 Honor

Hopefully you have or are forming a plan regarding a chance to serve together as a group. Our weekly discussions are critically important. Right thinking precedes right living. But sooner or later we have to graft some doing into our discipline, or the whole faith can live in the "concept" category.

"Jesus replied, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice."
Luke 11:28 NLT

If you need help with ideas and opportunities to serve on a Sunday morning, or any other time of the week, let us know. It may be the next step of growth you've sensed it was time to take, but weren't sure what that meant.

For this week, read Mark 6:1-6 and use the "General Discussion Makers" (GDM in cool-people circles) to discuss honor.

  • What most stuck out for you about Sunday morning?
  • What were the key points for you in the message?
  • What was the "one thing" you took away that seems applicable in your own, personal life?
  • What did you learn:
  • *About God?
  • *About yourself?
  • *About others?
  • What changes in thought and in style-of-relating might be necessary in light of what you've learned?
  • What are the hindrances to transformation, and what do we do about those?
  • What role can this group play to help you take steps this week and beyond?

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