Saturday, September 27, 2008

'Prayer' Part I

As you think about diving into a discussion about prayer, make sure you include actual prayer. 
Pray for your members, one by one, name by name. Ask God to be a realized presence in the midst of your group time. Ask God to transform each individual, each family and the whole group in some way because of your collective desire to become people marked by prayer. Pray for other groups as well.

Thaw (ice-breaker!)
  • Who in the group can remember something they prayed for as a child? Will you share what it was?
  • Did you have any memorized prayers for specific things like before a meal, during some ritual or before bed?
  • What struck you the most about Sunday morning?
  • Was there anything that you left you with unresolved issues?
Leader note: In light of the fact that we will be exploring some deep philosophical issues about the nature of "future events" and the sovereignty of God, there will likely be some significant head-scratching going on, for some. Don't feel like you have to answer the questions that arise, let alone do so in one meeting. Allow the questions to float out there, make sure the group is asking good questions, and embrace the long term journey of discovery that you an the group have signed up for in LifeGroup. Resolution isn't as important as allowing each other to process the deepest things through discussion, meditation, study and prayer over the long haul.

  • Respond as a group to this quote:
"Prayer does not change the purpose of God.  But prayer does change the action of God."  -Chuck Smith 

  • Luke 11:1-13
  • Initial thoughts?
Leader note: Note that this is the second version of what we call the "Lord's Prayer" (why isn't it called the disciple's prayer, since He taught it to them???). Upon seeing this, you will note that the wording is different. Either Jesus got the prayer wrong, as compared to Matthew's gospel and the version you likely have committed to memory, or it wasn't about the exact wording as much as it was about the structure.
The following parable Jesus uses to discuss prayer might be simplified to say, "if you can get your grumpy neighbor out of bed to help you in a pinch, how much more a perfect God that wants to bless you?" Or, "if imperfect and even evil dads give their kids good things upon request, how much more the perfect Father His kids?" You would be well within reality to imagine Jesus telling this story with a smile on His face, and His listeners laughing at the ill-prepared dummy that gets what he was after in the parable. This is, really, great news about our persistence and a God that can moved.

  • What do you think of Jewish disciples, already having a firm jewish spirituality, asking Jesus to teach them to pray?
  • What do you think made them request that?
  • What is Jesus teaching His disciples, and us, by not just answering their request for training, but going on to tell a story of how to get a seemingly unwilling neighbor to give in and help?
  • What's something that you "banged on the door" about with God in your life?
  • How long did you repeat this request?
  • How were you shaped in the process of persistent prayer?
  • How did it turn out?
  • What been for might there be for God toward us in making us be persistent?
  • If the future is fixed and unchangeable, and God isn't actually moved by persistent prayer, does Luke 11 still make sense?
  • If the future is not fixed, and is full of possibilities, and God is wise beyond compare and has the final word on the outcome of all things yet hasn't written all future events like a script, then what is your view of Luke 11?

  • Followers of God are assuming that they have been invited into the redemption of the world, starting with their own heart and radiating outward into the lives of others. What are some things that you would be willing to share with the rest of the group that needs covered in the effective prayer of others?
Leader note: Try and keep this contained within the immediate lives of the members of the group. This can often turn into a gossip session or into the issues of other people's lives. Do what you can to make this about praying for the lives of those within the group. Additionally, it would be a great idea to write down these requests on small index cards or on a list somehow to revisit what is shared in the weeks and months to come. If we just pray once, we miss the point of Luke 11, and therefore relegate prayer to a single shot into a fixed blueprint. Resolve to bang down the door for each other, persistently and repeatedly, and watch the realm of possibilities open by the God who answers and responds to prayer.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

5 More Thursdays to Go!

We need your help!

As you know Crosspointe has committed to the Durham Rescue Mission to serve the Thursday dinner at their Good Samaritan Inn for the months of October, November and December. Thank you so much to the groups that have already committed to this endeavor.

The following dates are available; Oct. 16, Nov. 13, & 20, Dec. 11 & 18. Of course the most pressing need is the one on October 16th as it is will be here in just a few weeks.

We’d really appreciate your group considering this opportunity; more details including meal planning, hurdles and conversation starters are located on the Life Group Leaders Blog at . This information is always available on the right side about ½ way under “Now Serving…”.

Pam McKerring, our Pastor of Mobilization, is your contact however she is heading to Kenya tomorrow, 9/25/08, with the Crosspointe Cheppema team so please email me at to get your group signed up.

Thanks so much!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New series beginning this Sunday

Hello Life Group and Beta Group leaders
I hope you are having a great time and are tuned into what God is trying to do in and through you in this season.
I wanted to give you a heads up about where we're headed in the weeks to come.


You know, that area of your spiritual development that you're 100% satisfied with and totally understand...we're going to spend 5 weeks on that. (Heavy sarcasm alert...)

We are excited about the direction(s) we'll be taking on Sunday mornings, but all of us know that whatever is said and experienced on Sunday morning can only have value if it's taken further the rest of the week. Obviously, groups help with that critical element. You may need to consider whether this is a topic for your group to follow. 

For the next 5 weeks, we will provide prayer guides, small devotion-like booklets, for everyone who wants them at Crosspointe. Each day the guide is set up to help take people into a little deeper water, serving as a tool for patterning our thoughts around conversing and living in the presence of God through prayer and reflection. As leaders, we need to evaluate whether our people who are in LifeGroups would additionally benefit from centering our group discussion around prayer, as well.

Topically, we will cover the "why?" this Sunday, "what difference does prayer actually make to a God that is going to do what He wants anyway...?". Then we'll get into the discipline of prayer, then seasons of silence and disappointment, how we're shaped in the process and how we play a roll in being part of the answer to our own requests. It should prove awesome what God will do in our community as we corporately, and of course then individually, take prayer more seriously.

Grab a guide this Sunday, and until then, be prayerful about this season of prayer and what God might want to do in the group you lead.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Life Outside the Booth Part III

As you wrap up this series with your group, record the responses your group has to the first four questions and put those in the comments this week.

  • What has been the most helpful in this series?
  • What nagging questions has this series created but not resolved for you?
  • Considering this series was kind of "introductory" for our community, where else do you think it could have gone?
  • What have you felt challenged/inspired to start doing or thinking with regard to God's Kingdom?
  • 1 Samuel 8
  • Thoughts?
Leader Note: Some members of the group may find that this text is either far too idealistic to be believed ( in that God being King is a concept rather than a daily reality for making social decisions) or that it has implications for developing someone's idea of a theocracy. Where the latter may have some merit for those of us seeking the Kingdom in its fullest sense, we would never imply that this can be instituted by someone who merely wanted or had the power to enforce it. A true theocracy has to come from God, not those who position themselves to be His spokespeople for others. 
As the leader, it would be a good idea not to let the discussion go there. Instead, have your group focus on the attitude of "the people" in the 1 Samuel passage; who insisted on having a human king for the sake of competing well with other nations. This, for them, was a way of garnering security, strength and a better standard of living in keeping with other tribe and peoples that had either rejected or not know the God of Israel.

  • Revelation 21:1-4
  • What's the picture being described or humanity?
  • What kinds of things do you see being visualized as being replaced?
  • From the perspective of a first century Christian under persecution, how would you have heard this?
  • Matthew 5:1-16
  • Thoughts?
  • This is Jesus' platform to call people to align with Him. How do you think He would do with this platform today?
  • How is our view of His invitation and vision obscured by the fact that we are a people in the position of wealth and power?
Leader note: This may still be a difficult concept for some members, that we are the richest. This can be hard to remember when we see our lives only through the lens of our own reality. When the bills stack up, we feel like we are "broke". When we get fired, lied about or mistreated in traffic, we can think we know something of "persecution". Perspective is everything, so we need to see the text and the context of matthew 5, as well as Revelation, in its proper light.

  • Luke 22:14-27
  • How would you describe the differing worldview of the 12 Jesus calls?
  • What benefit would Jesus have in calling people that differ with Him and each other so fundamentally?
  • Do you feel that their question about who will have the highest position in the Kingdom ( the position of highest authority and rule) is the same question that governs politics? WHy or why not?
  • How would you relate Jesus' response in your own words?
  • How do you find Jesus' response unrealistic in light of the current situation we find the world in?
  • If it is realistic, what keep us who follow Him from giving ourselves to His way, verses entrusting ourselves to human institutions, good policies and programs?
  • In a "perfect world" where no one is vying for power, trying to control or manipulate others and actually has in mind to make the world about the values of Christ, what role would politics and government play? How would it be distinct from how we see it unfolding right now?
Leader note: As you close your time, take a second and thank your group for their openness, vulnerability and desire to discuss such a sensitive topic. Undoubtedly, each group has taken on its own shape with regard to the discussions generated by the messages. The highest value for us will always be Kingdom, so whatever shape the discussions have taken, it's the desire to see Jesus' dream for the planet realized that gives us hope. Everything else falls short to say the least.
You may want to share communion with your group to reinforce this, embracing what the disciples didn't at first; the bread and the cup are symbols of a different kind of politic and a far higher patronage, and leaves the divisive politics of nationalism, tribalism, power, control and false hope far behind. The Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men. To prove that, Jesus stepped out of His office and gave Himself to us before we could agree. That's what shapes our life outside the booth.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sunday Service Opportunity

Group Leaders,
Looking for a quick service project for your group and easy way to build teamwork? The Chair Team needs you!Tag lunch on the end and you have a great way to build community right after the third service.

Here are the details:
-8-10 people per team
-Twice a month-First and third Sundays, and second and fourth Sundays
-In the auditorium immediately following the third service which normally concludes at 12:45
-With a complete team of 8-10 people it will take about 15-20 minutes.
- Involves un-hooking the chairs, stacking them in stacks of 7 and then wheeling them to the back of the auditorium.
- Suitable for both men and women.

If you have several members already serving regularly on Sunday mornings, then go after those that are not and help them form a mini team that could work with a few others.

Contact Nicole Brady, Director of First Impressions, for more information or to get on the schedule! She’s also in charge of the info center and cafĂ©. Her email is .

Also major kudos and a big thank you to the Dorr Life Group as they set up the chairs each Sunday before the services begin!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Poll

Hey leaders,
There's a new poll on the group leader site, top right. Please participate when you can!


Great example for Beta Group Communication

Lori and Blain Dillard will begin their new Beta Group next week. Below you will see the email that they sent to their new people. I think it's a great example of how to begin setting some expectation and clarity for people that really need their new leaders to lead them. 
Great job, Dillards!

Hi folks...  Well, I know some of you and the rest I hope will become new friends!  I trust you all remember signing up for a Life Group at MERGE last Sunday night.   8-)    You hopefully met my wife Lori Dillard, as I was in the Philippines on a business trip.  Well, I'm glad to be back now, and I'm getting excited about our first Life Group meeting next Tuesday, September 23 at 7pm.  We will be meeting at the home of Brandon and Karen James  (address was in email, but has been omitted for online privacy). 

In case you have not been in such a group before, let me try to describe what to expect.... Since it will be our first night, we will probably keep it to about 90 minutes.  We'll have a little dessert, coffee, socializing, meet & greet, etc...  Then, we'll finally sit down in the living room, and start our group time together.  For the 6 week "beta" period, we may have a variety of subjects or media we will use to help guide our discussion. Then we'll adjourn, perhaps picking up another bite of dessert on the way out (if any is left!).  

I know we have some parents of teens, and some parents of young-uns'.  Lori and I are parents of 3 boys:  5, 7, and almost-10.  Here is a recent picture.  During our group time, we typically arrange for a baby sitter who comes to our home, and sits for our kids and one other.  Childcare is always a challenge for parents of little kids.  Hopefully you will be able to work something out for Tuesday night, and if not, please let Lori know (email address) and we'll see if we can come up with some ideas.

If you have any problems finding the house on Tuesday, call my cell at ###-####.  Or if you have questions now, let me know!

Again, I look forward to meeting (or seeing) you all again soon!

Blain Dillard

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Life Outside the Booth Part II

In this second session- we will dive further into the beauty of the Kingdom and the fact that, despite how many Christians wish to vote in God's will- it is distinct, over and above the kingdoms of men.
When Jesus is referred to as King of kings and Lord of lords...we can feel confident in our modern context that He is no less the President of presidents!

As a reminder, LifeGroup leaders must be absolutely serious about not letting group discussions become anything less than an exploration of the Kingdom of Christ, and a celebration that we, followers of Jesus, aren't stuck in politics as a way of redeeming the globe. To the extent that we argue about sides, speeches, past presidents' effectiveness and bumper sticker divisiveness- that's the extent to which we think that God's Kingdom work depends on us. More than probably ever, your job as a leader is to keep this a Spirit filled, honest, gentle, loving and wise conversation by people who know that "our hope is built on nothing less, that Jesus' blood and righteousness..."

Key Texts
  • Matthew 5:1-12
  • Thoughts?
  • How would Jesus do running on this platform?

  • What were the key points of the message for you?
  • What was the "one thing" you took away?
  • What surprised you?
  • What bothered you? Why?
  • Have you ever heard or come across a similar teaching or idea? Have you ever been taught something that was contradictory?
  • What is/was already part of your thinking on this subject?
  • What did I learn that was new to you?
  • *About God?
  • *About politics?
  • *About yourself?
  • *About others?
  • What changes of thought are necessary in light of what you learned?
  • What changes of action are needed?
  • How would life be different if you/we applied this teaching fully?
  • What are the hindrances, and what do we do about those?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Looking to Serve: Deliver Bread to the DRM

Life Group Leaders Ken & Dianna Houle, serve the Durham Rescue Mission by picking up the baked goods from Panera Bread on Darrington Dr. every Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday evenings. They would love to share this endeavor with others so take a read and if you and/or your life group members are interested, please contact them.

Note from Dianna:

We pack up at Panera Bread 1065 Darrington Dr Cary NC , all breads, pastries, cookies and bagels on Tuesdays and Wednesday at 8:45 pm and on Sundays at 7:45pm. Panera does supply big plastic garbage bags for the breads and bagels. The pastries we use small garbage bags or containers that we supply. You will clear the bakery, back and sandwich area. You will fill the bags and pack your vehicle for delivery.

It usually takes 20 min. to pack bags and fill car; 25 min. drive to, 10 min to unload and 25 min drive back. . Ken and I do it in 1hr and 15min.

From there we travel to Durham Rescue Mission 1201 E Main St, Durham, NC. There may be diffferent men at the gate. So you will need to let them know that you are delivering the bread from Panera. Eric and Sam are the regular contacts,who are familiar with us. The gates close at 10 pm.

If some of the life groups are interested starting next Tuesday, Sept. 16th. Let me know and I can help them get started. If they would like to deliver the bread for a need at a different location, we can set up something.

Dianna Houle
(919)810-1862 (cell)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Life Outside the Booth Part I

This series will focus on the Kingdom, and how it stands over and above the kingdoms of humanity. Christians, however, forget this and think that God is into partisan politics. They can and, historically, have- made Biblical cases for their side being God's side.

Be on guard against letting these discussion divide your group. Enter each conversation with a spirit of grace and peace and recognize that many of the political hot-buttons we have turned into Spiritual barometers are really just points for arguing.
It's highly recommended that you take communion together, to be reminded of the actual barometer for Jesus-following; trust in His death, burial and resurrection.

Key text for this week will be Daniel 4 & 5. We would do well do drill down on the repeated phrase, "the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes"


  • What were the key points for you?
  • What was the "one thing" you took away?
  • What surprised you?
  • What bothered you? Why?
  • Have you ever heard or come across a similar teaching or idea? Have you ever been taught something that was contradictory?
  • What is/was already part of your thinking on this subject?
  • What did I learn that was new to you?
  • *About God?
  • *About yourself?
  • *About others?
  • What changes of thought are necessary in light of what you learned?
  • What changes of action are needed?
  • How would life be different if you/we applied this teaching fully?
  • What are the hindrances, and what do we do about those?


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