Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Adding service to the additional service!

I was talking to Deena Gilliam, our Preschool Director, the other day about opportunities that will arise when we add the third service to our schedule on Sunday mornings. She later emailed me this:

We have had such great growth in the Preschool area. I have been praying that God will send the right people to partner with us for these little ones. Andrea and I don’t really want people who are skilled teachers or have a lot of experience necessarily, we just want people who are willing to smile and love on these kids. Many of our volunteers are so different from each other. They are restaurant owners, nurses, teachers, home makers, project managers, engineers, computer programmers, physicians, physicians assistants, etc. I love that about us! We have one thing in common-we want to serve God by loving these kids.

As I work on the schedule to make sure these kids are cared for in their area, I realize that the key to make sure these classes have adults ready to smile and care for these kids is when they are served by a Life Group. The toddler B class is covered every Sunday for first hour and these group members get to serve together-- and they are having a lot of fun! I want that for the preschool classes too! Our biggest need is in the 3’s and 4’s classes. 2nd and 3rd hour are the biggest needs. ( 3rd being the biggest need). Maybe these groups would like to serve together and be on mission together as a group. 

I am excited to see how these groups impact our WOW area and the creativity they will bring to the classroom!


So- who's in? Talk to your group members and cast a little vision for serving this way- together, and significantly impacting young hearts. There are many great ways to make a Kingdom impact- and this is a major one. You may email me or Deena directly to get your group plugged in!

Thanks for latching your group on to what God is doing at Crosspointe!


Monday, February 25, 2008

2008 Messages

Hello Life Group leaders-
As you plan ahead for your group study, many of you are having a tough time knowing when (until the last minute) it's going to be right for your group to use Crosspointe messages, and when you need to go in a different direction, unrelated to what we are covering on Sundays. So, this should help a little:
These are the general themes through the end of this year for Sundays. Each series may not be titled at present, but the subject matter has been established.  (You will be able to access this list later in the right hand column of this blog.)
  • 3/2-3/23 The Trouble With Jesus (Easter Series)- Discussing the difficult and counter cultural ways that Jesus lived and saw life. This will deal with Sabbath, problem solving, being motivated by what motivates Him, and living the resurrection.
  • 3/30-5/4 Wisdom Series. This series will deal with wisdom and how it surpasses morality, helping us to see that what God wants for us is life well lived. Fearing God, diligent seeking, understanding, courage/risk, honesty will all be topics covered.\
  • 5/11-6/1 Worship. We will spend 4 weeks talking about worship in our daily lives, as individuals and as a body. We will spend time looking at music, and what we are actually doing when we sing together. We will cover awe and capturing the sense of being in God's presence.
  • 6/8-6/29 Family/Parenting/Marriage. Plenty in this series for everyone!
  • 7/6-7/27 Suffering. This 4 week look at what suffering is ( and isn't) will help us understand its relationship to God and how He transform us.
  • 8/3-8/31 Re Actions. The Bible tells the story of renewal over and over again. This series will explore more ways for us to align ourselves with God's renewal in us and thru us, His reconciling of all things and how this plays out in daily living.
  • 9/7-9/28 God's Politics. Don't worry, we're not telling people who to vote for. Or even who not to vote for. This 4 week series is to help us see issues that many of us have made political for what they really are. 
  • 10/5-10/26 Prayer. We will cover many sides, but certainly not all: Hearing God, Praying Scripture, The Holy Spirit and some practical how to.
  • 11/2-11/23 Drive III. Updates on what God has done as we complete our second year of Drive. Stories from things we have strategically tackled will be shared, and we will continue to move and dream as a community about what's to come! \
  • 11/30 Thanksgiving. Stand alone message.
  • 12/7-12/21 Christmas Series.
  • 12/28 Stand alone message.
Hope this helps. In addition to this, you will be seeing a curriculum list soon, which will lay out the best studies on specific issues we can provide. These two resources should make selecting a course of study as easy, relevant, helpful, challenging and on the mark for your group as ever!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Say When part IV

This week we wrap up the series, Say When.
The thrust of the series will culminate this Sunday as we are faced with radical redistribution. As the messages have been designed to be at the same time practical and helpful, while very challenging- this is all the more true for you and your group to wrestle further with what we will actually do with the information. If taken seriously, what God calls us to in entering His Kingdom should be a nerve-wracking, life-altering thing. Our finances, possessions and resources are at the center of this altered life.

Discussion Guide part IV

  • What's the most emotionally/psychologically rattled you can ever remember being?
  • Do you have any "phobias"?
  • What was your take on the message Sunday?
  • Was there anything you were surprised by?
  • Was there anything that you felt confused by?
  • Was there anything you felt like God was stirring within you during or afterward?
Luke 12:15 
  • Respond to this Proverb.
Leader note: help the group drill down on this simple phrase of Jesus. Ask them to be specific in our modern context as to what He is asking us to "disbelieve".

Luke 19:1-10
  • First thoughts? What jumps out at you?
  • How does this view differ, magnify or broaden your view of words like saved and salvation?
  • How did the others observing this exchange likely feel?
  • What do you think Zaccheus would tell the average American right now about the Jesus He encountered?
  • What do you think Zaccheus would tell this Life Group right now?
Luke 18:18-27
  • First thoughts?
  • What's the difference between feeling guilty and feeling what this young man felt?

Leader note: recall "perilupos" (intensely sorrowful and anxious and fearful to the point of deep emotional stress) from Sunday, the same feeling Jesus felt the night before He was to go through with the crucifixion, and what Herod felt as he saw that he must follow through on his promise and kill John the Baptist.

  • Respond to the term "radical redistribution".
  • What could you foresee happening if followers of Jesus lived the perpetual Jubilee?
  • What are things we possess & pursue that we could help each other as a group to reassess?
  • What's one step that can be taken this week?

Leader note: this may be a good exercise for your members to be with God and to let them dwell for a while on the invitation to Kingdom living. You may want to remind them of the concept of not only what Jesus asks us to believe, but what we are being challenged to disbelieve about our life as well. You may find that this will be the best part o your time together, so leave it as much time as you are able.

  • Read Matthew 6:24-34, allowing yourself to hear not only what Jesus is saying in His context, but how it applies right now. Clothes may include every way we work to make people perceive us. Food and drink may be all the ways we nourish ourselves and create comfort for ourselves. Let God reveal to you where you can trust Him more, and how that will not only enrich your own faith, but how that will bring a radical redistribution of resource into the world- which has very mush to do with salvation.

Scripture for further reading
Leviticus 25:8-28
Deuteronomy 15:1-11
Isaiah 61:1-2

Candy Bags

Hey Leaders
We need a couple groups to take on a little project for DRM. For Easter, they are passing out little candy bags to people that come to their annual Easter celebration. They've asked us to help out. We need to have a couple groups own the assembly of these little bags- 750 of them. It's something you can do while talking or hanging out together during group time, and shouldn't take very long at all (cellophane bag, pour in handful of candy, plus a small note, tie it off, next....). The empty bags and notes will be provided,  and we will be collecting candy. All you need to do is embrace some labor and have fun doing it.
This will have to be completed, once we have the supplies, before March 17th.

Who wants it?


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

9, 19, 72, 66, 24, 38

Merge Stats

9—Number of groups we offered at Merge
19--Leaders starting Beta groups the first week of March
72-- People that came to Merge to connect with a group
66-- People signed up with a group
24--People who still need to be placed in a group
38—Volunteers who made Merge a success!

What a night! There are always so many significant moments throughout the evening for me. This one had several including one email that I received Sunday afternoon. It was from a gal that wanted to know the specifics of the evening like were there going to be greeters because she didn’t know anyone or know what to do. Reminder not to take greeters for granted! Another was talking with a young couple after Steve “let ‘em loose” to sign up with a group. They had just moved here 4 weeks ago and wanted me to send them to the group closest to them because they did not know the area at all. Also talking with a couple of group leaders afterwards about the overwhelming number of new faces in room Sunday night and one of them is even a greeter on Sunday morning!

What always amazes me and blesses me the most is our volunteers—those who so generously and graciously serve in countless ways with big smiles to make this event happen and to create an environment that is inviting, relaxing and fun so that people can connect with groups. We were so thankful for the several Life Groups that serves together as a group this past Sunday. One of our Thursday night groups (led by Bryan Johnson) set up the room after worship. Another group (led by Bill and Sally Caldwell) came early to prep and serve food plus they cleaned up, took out the trash and hauled tables back upstairs. One of our teen life groups (led by Becky Ashley) served in the childcare area. One Wednesday night group (led by Ann & Glen Lewis) provided transitional childcare as we were tag teaming with FPU and greeted people at the door directing them to the WOW area if they had children. We had several others that came and served individually and we couldn’t have done it with out them either!

Serving together as a group in one specific area has so many advantages like camaraderie—group members can feed off of each other’s energy, encourage one another, and even joke with one another. It can be a great group builder as the group focuses on a task. Plus it is simply more fun doing something with people that you know. There is more efficiency and excellence in the outcome because the group is more comfortable with one another. Group members that know each other can bring out the best in each other.

Many groups have already enjoyed the benefits of serving together at an event like Merge this past Sunday or on Sunday mornings in Toddler A or at the Durham Rescue mission. One Life Group is even planning a short term mission trip to Haiti this spring. So let’s not stop here, there are more opportunities on the horizon especially as Crosspointe moves to three services—maybe your group would like to serve in the Information Center during the first service or in the Kindergarten class or Kidspointe during the second or third services. Listen out in the coming weeks for areas of service and need at Crosspointe and the Durham Rescue Mission. Be strategic—serve together! Let me know how I can help you get your group plugged into an area to serve in, and be sure and tell us how God uses this to bond your group, as well as bless those you serve!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mistakes Part V

Failure to Recognize Your Group's Uniqueness 

As a leader, it's vital that you take the time to learn who is in your group. This starts with your first gathering when you talk about what you'll be doing together as a group and learn about those who came. Here are some questions keep in mind for each group member:

  1. Who are they? What are their personal passions, professions, and other interests? What brought them to the area?

  2. How long have they been at Crosspointe?

  3. What are they hoping to gain from the Life Group?

This initial conversation influences the way in which your group engages in study and in future conversations. Always be listening to what people have to say and where they're at/coming from spiritually.

Remember the basic principle: Your Life Group will be healthy when people feel loved. This isn't all up to you as the leader, but you are responsible for an atmosphere where it happens consistently and authentically. And, though this seems like a given; don't forget about God and the very real presence of Jesus Christ. A Life Group leader is the person who takes the lead in creating and maintaining an environment where biblical community can thrive, but it's God who does the actual growing (1 Corinthians 3:6–7). The question isn't what God can or does do in a Life Group. The question is, who are the members of YOUR Life Group, and what is God up to in the members of YOUR Life Group? Enjoy discovering the answer to that together!

Friday, February 15, 2008

DRM Update

The contact for the Durham Rescue Mission Easter dinner is Rodney McCain, but his extension is 5025, not 5048 as it stated earlier. Make note of that as you contact him to get your group plugged in.


Say When....Discussion Guide III

There have been lots of great group discussions around the content of this series, Say When. As people take a serious look into what God has given us, why He has given it to us and in so much abundance, and the wisdom He calls and equips us to use with it all- lives will absolutely change.

This study can go in a few different directions conversationally- but the main thing- the most helpful thing for your group- is honesty. We need a place where we can put it all out there. As you study some of the selected passages, as you pray together, as you talk about the topic of finances- it's very important that you, the leader, let the environment be about the people actually in your group. Welcome and challenge your people to vulnerability- acknowledging that with finances, this is as awkward and uncomfortable as it gets. But where else will it happen? Visa is not looking to help us reduce our debt stress!

Discussion  Guide for Say When III

  • Did you get allowance as a kid? How much?
  • What was the first thing you saved up for and purchased?
  • What was the first thing you remember buying and feeling totally let down?
  • Who taught you how to handle/manage finances? Do you think you were set up for success or failure?
  • Was there anything from the message Sunday that really stood out? What was most impacting, helpful, confusing?
Proverbs 21:20
  • First thoughts?
  • How does our culture promote financial wisdom?
  • How does it promote foolishness?
Leader note: This passage talks about wisdom in association with planning for tomorrow. It connects foolishness with not considering any moment beyond the immediate. See if you can identify ways that our culture endorses the "spend it all now, don't worry about what it will mean later" mentality. Consider, for example, the new add that's popular for Chase Bank featuring the Queen song "I want it all" (playing the first 20 seconds of this song will make the point for anyone that's seen the commercial).
  • What are the reasons you can conceive of that God would care about this kind of wisdom and foolishness?
Leader's note: The above question may seem insultingly simple, but two huge truths about God and faith in Him continue to elude people. This question is designed to get at both truths (or, rather, one truth with two dimensions): 1. God actual cares for each of us, loving us like a Daddy- so our living foolishly, especially where our resources are concerned, affects Him as He wants for us to have a great life. (1 Peter 5:6-7) Our finances matter to Him as much as our souls do! 2. If we are foolish with our resources, that means we have less capacity to help those who do not have. If I am not aware of what I have in store, or how it got there, or where it may be going- I am incapable of dispensing those resources, as God commands, to those around me in need. My foolishness with resources equals other's continued but unnecessary poverty!

  • How many people in the group have a budget that they would consider effective? How did they get this budget started? Can they help others who don't have a budget get started this way?
  • How many people in the group have a set percentage for what they live off of, and what they give? How did they begin doing this? What advice would they give to those who don't have these amounts decided?

Leaders note: Depending on where you are in the life-cycle of your group, and how many people seem to be in need of some help in their financial wisdom, explore with the group how open they are to putting all their debt on the table for accountability's sake. This will be excruciating for some people to talk about, let alone do- but you may find God prodding you and others in the group to allow each other a peak behind the curtain on this issue. Cast vision for the members of the group: where could we each be in one year if we put it all out there and helped each other make good decisions? Where could we be by this time next year if we worked as a team to remove "dummy debt", track spending, have a budget that works well, and live strictly and passionately along the simplistic values of "give, save, live off the rest"? What kind of stories of freedom are waiting to be told when the members of your group trust each other that much? What will God do with that level of freedom (wisdom!)?
You may want to wrap up the meeting with an invitation to come to the next meeting with what you owe, debt-wise. Or, perhaps it's that your group needs to break into partners to form a budget that gets people started. Keep their resistance, fear and embarrassment in mind, and make it about the freedom and the wisdom we're invited into! Some members of the group won't be ready for this step, but you at least uncover the general needs, and in the future, may decide to do Financial Peace University together, or the group study entitled "LO$T"

Passages for additional study
Proverbs 22:7, Matthew 6:25-27

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Durham Rescue Mission’s Annual Good Friday Dinner

Here's an opportunity to serve with your Life Group in a very meaningful way. The Annual Community Easter Dinner on 3/21/08 requires quite a few volunteers to work well for both the DRM and those who come for the meal. Please contact Rodney McClain to sign up for the assignment(s) and time that work best for your group members. He will need individual names and mailing addresses for name tags, parking tickets, and directions.  This helps them to organize the large number of volunteers for the event. Please discuss this with your group members right away and make sure and register by March 12th.

Job Assignments:

Meat Cutters 8:00am -11:00am

Clothing Set Up - 9:00am-11:30am  

Clothing Giveaway - 11:00am-3:00pm

Utensil Prep 9:00am-1200pm

Can Openers 9:00am-1200pm

Grocery Bagging 9:00am-11:30am

Grocery Giveaway 11:00am-3:00pm

Food Pan Runners - 11:00am-2:30pm            

Dessert Giveaway 11:00am-3:00pm         

Drinks Stations  - 8:00am-12:00pm or 9:00am-1:00pm or 11:00am-3:00pm

Table & Chair Set Up 9:30am-11:00am                                   

Games - 10:30am-3:00pm

Verizon Phone Workers 11:00am-3:00pm (Adults Only)

Grounds Crew - 10:00am-2:00pm or 11:00am-3:00pm           

Grills 8:30am-3:00pm

Greeters 10:30am-3:00pm

Table Waiters 11:00-3:00pm

Buffet Line 11:00-3:00pm

Easter Basket Set Up 9:00-12Pm

Easter Basket Give-Away 11-3:00Pm

You can call or email Rodney McClain, Volunteer Coordinator, at 919-688-9641 Ext 5048 or

Thanks to Jeff and Christy Wing for helping us stay connected to events like this. And thanks to all of you leaders for leading your group to serve. Make sure you send in any pictures or stories that you have of your group's experience!



Hey Leaders!
We have some exciting news to share with you. 
 As you may have noticed, it's been getting more crowded around Crosspointe on Sunday mornings.  We had a record attendance at our Christmas Eve services - 2,120 people!  Since the beginning of the year, our regular attendance average has jumped from 1,250 to 1,450.  While we still have a bit of room in the main auditorium, our kids' classrooms - especially preschool - are maxed out.

So, starting with Easter Sunday, March 23, we are making the move to add a third service on Sunday mornings. The new service times will be 8:45, 10:15, and 11:45.  We wanted to give you as much heads-up as possible so that you can consider how this change will affect your family, as well as areas you serve with your group on Sunday mornings. We also wanted you to know so that you can begin praying for all the people we will be meeting in months to come that will want to grow in faith and friendships, and get connected to a group.

Cool, huh? These are exciting times- and I am thrilled to be on this journey with you all!
Thanks for all you do.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Speaking of Creativity...

Lee Haas leads a Life Group on Monday nights. He shared the following with me this morning, and I had to share it with you all. I think it's a good example of not only looking at creative ways to keep your group members engaged- but also the important role of a leader in gently keeping the conversation on topic. Thanks, and great job, Lee.

I used the general discussion questions last night and we had a good discussion.

I had to work on keeping the discussion off of government policies, credit availability, greed of banks, "them", etc. and more focused on ourselves and our actions.

The method I've been using is putting from 1 to 3 questions up on my tv which allows people to re-read and pick something to respond to.  I've had to learn to let it be quiet for a pretty long time.  I'm getting used to it now.

The tv is handy for scripture, illustrations, and avoiding fiddling with handouts. Its easy to 

create a jpgs, put them on a usb flash, and plug it in to the tv.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Mistakes Part IV

Losing the Creative Edge

Don't lose your creative edge when leading your Life Group—keep things fresh. Be spontaneous in changing your group's routine. Be sure to have social outings together that are just for fun (yes...this counts as spiritual. Wouldn't it be great if one of the things people said about Christians was "man, they really know how to party!"?). Mix up the format of your gathering. Discuss things that you could have on the calendar to plan and look forward to- as a group. Challenge your group to think creatively of ways that conversations can be taken further- how each member can affect another throughout the week- how the group can experience God outside the confines of the Bible Study?Maybe plan to meet at different members homes from time to time. Can you ever meet outdoors? Does your space allow that some evenings, you split up the group along gender lines, drawn numbers, etc...?

Have fun with it. Keep it fresh. Share what works with the rest of us, and can the rest!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Amish Week is Over.

I turned my computer in on Monday for minor repairs. It is Saturday, and I just got it back this evening. There were a few moments that my hands began shaking. But I made it.
I'll spend more time later telling you all the wonderful things I learned about life with no computer. For now, I'll share this one tidbit; you can actually get phone numbers and addresses for people and businesses from a real paper book kept in many homes called a "phone book" or more precisely, "The Yellow Pages". Seriously- literal pages of names in alphabetical order. Ancient people and customs are so fascinating. More later, I promise!

For Part II of the series Say When, be sure and utilize the "General Discussion Makers" on the right hand column if you want to use the Sunday message for your group discussion. These discussion makers will always be helpful in getting each member of your group to wrestle with the content of the message and the implications/applications to be made. Enjoy!


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

All Hands on Deck!!!!!!

Hey gang!
Please talk to your group members ASAP about helping out at Merge, February 17th. Jenny sent you all an email, but to date, we haven't gotten much of a response at all. We have numerous areas that must be covered if this event is to do its job in helping people connect to new group leaders.
Thanks in advance for getting right back to her and covering an area!

If you have any questions, call us or email us right away!


Monday, February 4, 2008

Mistakes Part III

The Need to Finish Curriculum That Isn't Working

Often times, a leader thinks that once you start a 6 or 8 week study, you have to finish it, regardless of how much it is not connecting with your group and stinking up your meeting room. Here's a rule of thumb: If something's not working, can it. Move on to something else. You should use the Life Group Member Evaluation (contact your Group Guide if you need one) as one of the initial ways to determine where people are in their journey, what's banging around in their hearts, and what a relevant and helpful course of study might be for them based on that info. You may also want to contact your Group Guide to discuss the results, once your members fill it out, to make well-counseled decisions if you're not sure what you're seeing.

It's not a great idea to do "homework," for homework's sake. As good as it is for people to be thinking and studying and chewing on topics on their own the other 6 days of the week- sometimes we should recognize that it's too often busywork that leads to a sense of dread, guilt or defeat. Be mindful about this reality, and make sure you don't equate unfinished homework with a lack of spiritual depth. The study might just stink, or the homework isn't producing growth, or both. Be aware, as well, that some studies we use at Crosspointe come packaged with homework that borders on corny or one-dimensional, or is full of leading questions and fill-in-the-blanks. great studies, great DVD's, great books- bad homework. Even though some of the content of the homework can sometimes be helpful, for you the leader, in thinking through application and discussion, it may  may be a waste of time when the members go on their own with it.  If your members can leave the meeting time, challenged with one applicable thought that engages their mind, challenges behavior patterns and/or creates a desire in people to see life and the world God's way- that's plenty (and better than 3 pages of fill-in-the-blank....).

Here's another rule of thumb: If you're not getting feedback on a specific study, people probably don't like it. Most group members who don't like a small-group curriculum tend not to tell the small-group leader—they grin and bear it, or else vote with their feet and stop attending. 

It goes a long way with group members in understanding their group has a mission when the leader pulls the plug on a study that's not helping them move toward it. Don't be afraid of this- be the kind of leader that pays close enough attention to the environment they've created to say, "yikes...does this stink or is it just me? Let's go another route!"

Friday, February 1, 2008

Say When....Discussion Guide

Over the next few weeks we will be discussing personal finances, our resources and why God spends so much time discussing this topic. Like most issues, finances, and how we view them and spend them, has much to do with our hearts and how we see God.

Use this series to get your group members openly discussing their fears and questions about money, stewardship, generosity and how it all relates to tangible faith (and subsequent growth) for followers of Christ. You may want to spend time praying for the hearts of your members before each meeting, that walls of defensiveness, guilt or fear would crumble and that your people would grow in this core area of trusting Jesus. There is a lot of baggage that comes with money and faith. Pray that your people would see that beyond all that is the loving call of Christ to entrust all that matters to us, to Him.

For newer groups, you may consider watching this Nooma video before launching into study. It’s a good conversation starter for groups that are still growing in trust of each other on deeper personal issues. The video can be picked up in the upstairs office on the curriculum table.


 Discussion Guide for Say When, Part I


  • What’s the strangest job you have ever had?
  • Have you ever found money? Where? How much? What did you do?
  • What was most impactful about the message Sunday?
  • What were the key points for you about it?
  • What surprised you about the message?
  • Who learned something about Jesus or themselves that they didn’t realize before? What was it?


Luke 18:18-27

  • What stand out to you in this passage?

Leader note: You may want to also read Mark 10:17-27 to get some of the other nuances of this scene, such as Jesus’ love for this man, as well as an extra command added in verse 19.



  • Why does Jesus tell this man to sell all his possessions? Why not just tell him what’s wrong with his heart?
  • Jesus says the man still lacks one thing. Discuss as a group the implications of following the law, obeying all the commands- and yet still lacking something in your heart.

Leader note: See if the group can uncover other ways that some people fool themselves into thinking that the strict observance of rules and traditions is the point. Some people never miss a Sunday at church, and yet lack generosity or the awareness of the world around them in need. Some people study the scriptures and gain all kinds of knowledge and information, and yet don’t realize that their possessions (or fear of losing those possessions) take up the most space in their heart. You may wish to point out that just 5 verses after this story is the telling of a blind man being given his sight. It’s likely that both of these stories are about blindness.

You may also note in Luke 18 the interchangeability of the words “inherit eternal life”, “follow me”, “Kingdom of God” and “saved” (vs. 18,22,25,26) and how the availability of these things isn’t based on his having the rules down, but in being hardened and distracted by self-centered wealth accumulation.



  • Jesus’ prescription for what was lacking would have seriously impacted the local poor, as well as help the soul of the rich man, himself.Take time as a group to share examples of things Jesus is trying to do in us where our possessions are concerned, that will benefit others as well? What are ways we block this work, or have a bad perception of it?

Leader note: See if the group can uncover many ways in which we are part of the circuitry of His grace. We can conduct it, or we can block it. Help the group see ways in which our fears and our guilt and even how churches can get in the way. Also explore how this Kingdom movement that Jesus is inviting both the rich and poor into have to do with being saved, on both sides.


Additional passages to consider.

  • Luke 12:15
  • Luke 13:22-30
  • Acts 2:41-47

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