Thursday, February 21, 2008

Candy Bags

Hey Leaders
We need a couple groups to take on a little project for DRM. For Easter, they are passing out little candy bags to people that come to their annual Easter celebration. They've asked us to help out. We need to have a couple groups own the assembly of these little bags- 750 of them. It's something you can do while talking or hanging out together during group time, and shouldn't take very long at all (cellophane bag, pour in handful of candy, plus a small note, tie it off, next....). The empty bags and notes will be provided,  and we will be collecting candy. All you need to do is embrace some labor and have fun doing it.
This will have to be completed, once we have the supplies, before March 17th.

Who wants it?



  1. Count our group in! We're up for chatting and stuffing. Cat Lewis

  2. Steve,

    My 6th grade girls would LOVE to do this!!! (We helped write Haiti/Kenya Christmas Cards after The Approach.)

    BTW, I just stumbled upon the Life Group Leaders' blog... it's going to be a great resource for me.

    ~Ginny Coon


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