Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Take a Scroll through Raleigh

Hey Group Leaders                   
I hope this note finds you doing well.
You may already know about this- but I wanted to alert you and your group to a great way to dive into some fascinating history related to the Bible.
Through December, the NC Museum of Natural Sciences will be holding an exhibit on the Dead Sea Scrolls- right here in Raleigh! These are the ancient texts found in caves in 1947 on papyri and include fragments of Genesis, Exodus, Isaiah and more- all a thousand years older than the next oldest fragment of copied sacred text. This tour will help us discover how the scrolls are dated, how they preserve them, interpret them and what they mean to us as we take the Scriptures more and more seriously. Truly a rare treat!
This is a huge opportunity that will surely peak some first-time interest in some group members about the history of the sacred texts, and how we have come to get what we now call The Bible.
Groups of 10 or more pay $15 per person. I am told Mondays through Wednesday are the least attended nights- which may make for a better environment for questions and access to the texts.
If you go- please share the stories of what you learned and experienced together. We'd all love to hear them.

Happy scrolling,


  1. anyone know how long they'll be in town??

  2. Until December 28th.

  3. Sounds like something our group would like. Thanks for the info.



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