Tuesday, July 1, 2008

LifeGroup Member Roles

This past Sunday at reGroup, one of the things that came up a few times was the importance of properly assigning roles to the members of your group. The more ownership each person has, the more it becomes clear that they are part of the momentum that God is trying to create in the group. I often think of it through the minds of uninvolved members; "if I don't show up tonight, what does that affect other than attendance?" If the answer is nothing, then I am likely to not show here and there...what's the difference, really? I won't even be missed.
As we try to be more intentional about this piece, here's a list of roles that you may consider assigning in the weeks to come. Remember that the goal isn't to create busy work, or to merely delegate- it's about the whole group working as an interdependent body toward the things God has, uniquely, for your band of friends. Some roles are universal. Some need to go to very specific people. Be wise and prayerful as you make your assignments, also keeping in mind that some people may not be able to accept them.

Special Events/Days. This person keeps a record of all birthdays, anniversaries, upcoming vacations, surgeries, interviews, etc... With this information, they also take on the role of keeping the whole group up to date, and alerted ahead of time for birthdays and such so the rest of the group can get cards, visit, etc...

Snacks. This person simply keeps the snack calendar so it that it gets rotated between people well. They also keep information like allergies, dietary restrictions, etc. This person would obviously find overlap here and there with the special events person, since birthday cake and meals being provided during a member's sickness will pop up a lot!

Prayer Concerns. Mostly, this is the leaders job. But it's also helpful to have someone that helps keep a log of those concerns that are way out on the horizon, and ones that need revisited from time to time. This role is entrusted to a person that gets the weight and significance of prayer within the group, and the importance of being consistent and having good memories.

Hosting. This can be huge. Rotate the location of your group to various members' homes. Be sure each home is appropriate and not too out of the way for the members, and make sure that the change of venue is well communicated.

Discussion leading. You may hand-select certain members to actually lead discussions, for a one time thing or for a whole series. This is a great way at setting up future leaders with the confidence that they can actually do this part of LifeGroup leading.

Serving. This person organizes schedules, working with Pam McKerring, to get the group to the Durham Rescue Mission, other local opportunities, at Crosspointe in different capacities on Sunday mornings, as well as joins you, the leader, in planning trips to Haiti or Kenya.

Socials. You need to have fun together. This person plans your outings- from Bowling, to camping, to guys/girls nights, road trips, etc...If this is to be routinely enjoyed, someone other than the leader will have to own it.

Maybe you have seen other roles fulfilled in the context of a group. We would love for you to share those ideas with us. Click here and leave your ideas in the comment section of this post.

Also, be sure and share stories of how God blesses the unity and momentum of your group through this effort of sharing the mission. 



  1. I'm commenting just to show you I am reading! :-) Seriously, good stuff. Thanks for reGroup.

  2. I think this is going to be huge in our group. Having some responsibilities has to help with group attendance which has been unpredictable lately. This has been be very frustrating for me because we can't take a night off!

  3. Great ideas... I'm reading too! :-) I'll post if we come up with any more!

  4. John and I decided to pass around the roles list two weeks ago and let our members sign up for what they thought they could handle or would enjoy most. I'm happy to report our group stepped up and many made a commitment to take a more active role in our Life Group. John and I also took a "role" from the list after everyone else (but at least we're only responsible for two things now instead of everything). The Friday after the roles were assigned (or volunteered for) everyone in our group showed up. I'd like to think that the new roles played a part in getting everyone more committed. Hope you have similar results!



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