Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Great Ideas are often the most simple!

Britt and Eleni, two of our Life Group leaders, have done a great job with the group they lead in terms of making sure that, though relatively new, their group is intentional about knowing each other, growing in their faith and understanding that they are meant to do study, play and serve together (they are even planning a Haiti trip at the end of 2008!). Britt emailed me this a few days ago, and I thought it was brilliant:

We've recently begun, at the end of each group time, picking names out of a hat.  Then, during the week, it is our assignment for each of us to call that person.  It's a way to do prayer requests because our group is so large (10-12 people) it is hard to do on a weekly basis (during the meeting).  We meet for two hours and we don't talk about specific prayer requests.  Anyway, the point of this was not only prayer requests, but allowing us to connect to each other in a more significant way.  And let me tell you, it has worked like I never imagined!!! Our group has really come together, it has been amazing.  I am so thankful that God has used a simple phone call to do such an amazing thing!

1 comment:

  1. That's a brilliant idea. I'll have to adapt it to my 6th graders. Thanks, Britt!


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