Monday, December 3, 2007

Taking steps toward friendship

As you are considering a direction for your group this month, I want to challenge you to ask a very simple question about your group:

How well do we really know each other?

You probably know this- but, like you, I need reminded of a very deep truth: The Christmas story is one of relationship. The Gift was nothing that could be purchased. It was one giving Himself to others. So, as a group pursuing this reality, if we merely come at the birth of Jesus academically, working to see what we can learn and add to our mental arsenal, discussing the information as a group of "classmates" rather than fellow journeyers and friends, we truly will have missed the point.
Whatever you set out to do with your group at Christmas, pass the ideas and plans through the lens of desiring, for each member of the group, to be deeper friends. Do these friends have a chance to share their hopes and fears together? Does this group of friends have an environment each week to drop their guard? Do these friends pray for each other, specifically and consistently? Do they know they're being prayed for? Are you creating an environment where the members can value and love each other, and to more deeply know each other's stories?
If you've not been able to get your group into each other's lives yet, you have to start somewhere. Here's a few ideas:
Devote an evening to allowing members to share what their childhood Christmases were like. Where, what and how. Pictures. Good and bad.
Have the mother of all potlucks, and figure a way to have everyone sit at a large table or connected tables, together. Conversation about life typically comes out of a chewing mouth better.
Have a gift exchange, but have a theme that requires people to reveal a little about themselves in the gift they bring. Have everyone bring a wrapped CD of their favorite artist or genre of music, and then do a name drawing (yes, this may mean you end up with a Hard Core Gangster Rap album, but at least now you know your group mate a little more....). Or $10 gift cards to their favorite restaurant. Favorite book. Movie (careful....yikes). Magazine. Be creative.  The idea is that someone else ends up with what someone else considers a favorite. Makes for good discussion between folks by the next meeting (especially if that Gangster Rap album isn't edited for radio....).

If you come up with ideas, post them here in the comments. We should always be helping each other move toward each other, as we move toward the God who moved toward us 2000 Christmases ago.


1 comment:

  1. Before Approach, we all decided to attend the event, and then use the Advent Guide for discussion starters for each corresponding sermon. After last Sunday's unexpected twist, we incorporated a discussion of money and tithing into our time. I think we were all grateful to share our monetary perspectives in a safe environment using the Bible verses Jonathan gave us. We also had enough time to move into the verses and questions from the guide. Gwenn and Nick have given not only individual families but our group great discussion points. Since most of the peeps in our group have small kids, it's great to have the time to dig deeper sans kidlets. Big kudos to the Mangines for putting that together!


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