Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Real People...

Take a moment and read through these names.

Chris, Sharon, Jean, Adriana,  Rebecca, Kim, Joe, Lindsey, James, Brad, Mitzie, Vicky, Carol, Marion, Leslye, Champ, Kathleen, Kendall, Wil, David, Sonya, Kim, Judith, Cherie, Roger, Melissa, Rodney, Margie, Robert, Greg, Paula, John, Kelli, Beth, Gerald, Fran, Doug, Leigh Ann, Matt, Dawn, Duane, Elin, Lan, Sharon, Wayne, Kelley, Lisa, Christine, Judy, Mike, Mike, George, Sharon, Allen, Becky, Traci, Jamie, Jane, John, Terrie, Christina, Justen, Leslie, Heather.

This is the current list of people (64 at present) who have expressed interest, just this fall, in being connected to an intentional group of faith journeyers. A Life Group. To make some friends while growing in their faith, learning, wrestling through ideas, doubting, celebrating and serving, loving and being loved. 64 people, and we haven't even started advertising Merge coming this February 17th!

Where will we connect them?

This is where our group multiplication strategy comes in. Many of the groups are wrapping up their covenant period. Many others will be in the months to come. From the groups we lead come new leaders; people who have grown and have seen group life and what God does in it- and steps out to replicate this for the increasing number of people who want to get into one of these awesome little communities.

So, if you haven't sat down, face to face with those in your group that you sense should be seriously considering group leadership- do so soon. We will have a potential group leader Q&A session on Sunday morning, January 13th, both hours (same session twice- they need only come to one), that you can point them to (RSVP to Jenny). This will be a great opportunity for people exploring the possibility of leading a group to hear what we're trying to accomplish in these groups and why they are so central to the strategy at Crosspointe. Those that do move forward to lead, will have 3 training sessions (Jan 27th, Feb 3, Feb 10- second hour in the Startingpointe Room) to attend in order to get them equipped on some basics of the how and why. Then, they will go to Merge ready to form new Beta Groups which will begin in March!

What does God want to do with these 64 people? What does He want to do in all those whom we haven't met yet? Whatever it is- you can bet He wants to do much of it through a few others who will journey with them in a group. Thanks so much for not only leading, but for working to ensure that more great Life Group environments are created by those that you lead. All of those looking for a group thank you as well!


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