Monday, August 17, 2015

Discussing the Message

During this series "Made/UnMade/ReMade" we have been encouraging people to go through the daily readings based on the Psalms and Walter Brueggemann's thoughts. Many LifeGroups have been benefitting from the content. If you and your LifeGroup hasn't yet, please check out and chew as a group on the text and ideas found there. Additionally, as always, you can discuss any message/video with the following kinds of questions:

What were the key points for you?
What was the "one thing" you took away?
What surprised you?
What bothered you? Why?
Have you ever heard or come across a similar teaching or idea? Have you ever been taught something that was contradictory?
What is/was already part of your thinking on this subject?
What did you learn that was new to you?
*About God?
*About yourself?
*About others?
What changes of thought are necessary in light of what you learned? 
What changes of action are needed?
How would life be different if you/we applied this idea fully?
What are the obstacles and what do we do about those?
What role can this group play to help you take steps this week and beyond?

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