Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy (re)New Year

The year 2015 is as close to the year 2030 as it is to Y2K. 

That'll make your head spin.

As a group, discuss the ideas shared Sunday, and what they have to do with making sober, mindful resolutions, if there are any to be made. Starting from the flesh's always moving targets, there's much to change and worry about. Starting from the Image of God, there's only a bit of waking up to do.

May Christ awaken and resurrect us.

  • Christmas recap?
  • What are your biggest plans for 2015?
  • Did you make resolutions, and how do you think of them in light of Sunday morning?

Leader note: that is, how do the changes you feel you need to make accommodate the insatiable, competitive flesh or the peaceful, awakened spirit?

  • Luke 15
  • Familiar passage. Anything new jump out at you?
  • Why would jesus tell stories to religious leaders about things not being where they were supposed to be, rather than things not behaving well?

  • John 4:1-30
  • Thoughts?
  • Why would a woman celebrate, as she does toward the end of the story, being known?
  • What does this have to do with real worshipers being the ones who do their worshiping in Spirit and in Truth.

Leader note: The word translated "truth" in English comes from a Greek word that means "un-conceal" or "uncover."

  • How can this group be a place of reminding each other to live from our center, our Spirit, rather than our flesh?
  • What's a specific way you need help being reminded that you are, already, at your core, the image of God (Geneses 1:26-27) and not a project for the world to make smarter, richer, prettier, etc?

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