Sunday, August 24, 2014

Of Forests and Trees. Isaiah.

If you can get through a day without having to genuinely say you're sorry to another human being you're probably doing faith wrong.

As a group, discuss the importance of slowing down our speech, recognizing the power in our words whether intended or not, and the peace restoring effect of saying "I'm sorry". And perhaps, as a group, you can become the kind of people who can't get through a day without saying "I'm sorry" because, with a disciplined mouth wired to a transformed mind, you're finally starting to do faith right!


  • What changes in the calendar are upon the members of the group and how are those affecting life?
  • What most stuck with you from Sunday?
  • What is something you had heard before but it struck you differently? Why do you think this is?


  • Isaiah 6:1-6
  • Thoughts?

Leader note: It may be worth pointing out that before, as is depicted in verses after tge, Isaiah can be commissioned, as is depicted in verses after this passage, he must first deal with his own junk. Those who speak for God must do so from a place of real transformation, not simply information.


  • Proverbs 26:18-28
  • Favorites?


  • Matthew 5:21-24
  • Thoughts?
  • Why would Christ prioritize reconciliation with another human being over the act of worshiping God?


  • What is the difference between mere censorship and truly disciplining your speech?
  • What are we saying when we say we're sorry?
  • What are we saying when we say we're sorry but also make sure that the offense of the others are included? ("I'm sorry, but you.....")
  • What are we doing when we demand someone say they're sorry?

Leader note: This is a question that deals with what the other feels and what we are demanding they feel. If we demand an apology, we are often demanding an act. When someone takes the time to understand the hurt they have caused, the "sore-y" will be felt and the apology will come. Otherwise it's forced, which could be argued to be a second insult!


  • There are undoubtedly people in this group whose words have made others in the group uncomfortable. Do you think it might be you? Why or why not?

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