Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mark 7:24-8:26 "Sigh..."

A recurring theme visited again this week: God continues to show us that there is enough in and around us already to begin experiencing fullness and joy. In fact, Jesus went so far as to say that the Kingdom isn't "over there", but is within us (Luke 17:21).

As a group, discuss the nuances of the text(s) this week, and spend some time adjusting your dials to become more aware of the beauty of the moment you find yourself in. 

  • It's June! How is this year going compared to your expectations and intentions six months ago?
  • What have you learned over the years about what you intend and what actually occurs?
  • What most stuck with you from Sunday morning?
  • What is something sacred you noticed today?

Leader note: let the room go quiet as the group reviews their day. Sacred happened, even if it was missed on the first pass.

  • Mark 7:24-8:26
  • Thoughts and observations?

  • Why is it easier to see God's work in retrospect?
  • What would it take to better see God at work in the present?
  • In what ways have you been figuratively blind and deaf in your life?

  • 1 Corinthians 2:8-10
  • Thoughts and observations?

  • What causes us to miss or not recognize that which God is on record as having already revealed?
  • Why do we continue to not adjust our lives to live more attuned to reality, even after recognizing we're "missing it"?
  • In what ways can you imagine your group being a place that sees and hears what God is already up to, in the midst of all the peaks and valleys, busyness and boring of life?
  • In what ways can this group accidentally add to the deafness and blindness Jesus deeply sighs about?

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