Sunday, October 2, 2011


Don't bear false witness.
Don't lie.
Don't say things that aren't true.
Don't create a reality that isn't real.

It's all variations on the same theme: What God has put together, let no one fabricate.

As a group, start with the literal meaning in the post-Egyptian justice context Israel found itself in. If you make false accusations, you perpetuate evil. But, as the discuss continues, find ways that outside a courtroom we may still all be bearing, nurturing and propagating false claims about others, bad or good.

  • What happens inside you emotionally as October arrives? Why do you think that is?
  • What most stuck with your from Sunday morning?
  • When in your life were you misunderstood or lied about? What were the ramifications of that?
  • When is a time you lied or perpetuated a lie about another? What happened because of that?

  • Exodus 1:6-14
  • Thoughts?

Leader note: It may be helpful to go back to Genesis, last few chapters, and recap how Joseph and the blessing he was positioned Israel to be in great comfort in Egypt initially. They were blessed with land and resources and health. It's not until the "new king" (thought by many to be Ramses II) comes and, through assumptions, false accusations and tyranny, turns it all on Israel's head, or more poignantly, their back.

  • The word "know" in hebrew isn't just vague awareness like one "knows" where an address is. This kind of knowing is about intimate interaction and consideration for the other. Based on this, describe how this turn of events went down.

  • Have you ever noticed how an new employee, student, in-law, neighbor, politician is sized up quickly? Why do people seek to make a determination on others so fast?

Leader note: There are many reasons, but see if the group can come to some agreement about how we like to make up our minds quickly for our own sense of relational safety. When you "know" what someone is, then you can determine how to interact, what they may want from you, where knowing them will get you in life, and how much energy they will take from you. The faster this happens, the faster the sense of security you have. This, obviously, means we settle for all kinds of assumptions and wrong ideas just so we don't go too long with no idea who we're dealing with.

  • Exodus 20:16
  • Thoughts?
  • What does this mean in its most basic sense?
  • What happens if we change the word "bear" to "harbor"?
  • How about if we change it to "nurture" or "reinforce" or "uncritically examine"?
  • What do false ideas do to a person and the society they live in?
  • What does this law say about the power of our ability to shape realities, even if they are false?

  • What if something isn't false? What are the terms for sharing something about someone that you know to be true, firsthand?
  • Determine, briefly, as a group, when it's ok and even necessary to share information about another, when that person is not present?

  • Proverbs 26:22

Leader note: The Message translation reads this way: "Listening to gossip is like eating cheap candy; do you want junk like that in your belly?"

  • What do we learn from this proverb about the impulse, however real and important it feels in the moment, to speak about other people (regardless if the information we are hear or sharing is true or false)?
  • Should these words only apply to negative rumors and accusations, or does it also apply to positive things as well?
Leader note: Difficult and potentially alienating as it is, even resisting the urge to gush on people who aren't around trains the mind not to reference those not in attendance, as well as helps ensure that a temple;ate of the person is created and so increases that persons ability to let down others. Tricky, but worth considering. Bear in mind that false witness doesn't mean negative. It simply means untrue. We can build people up or shape other's impressions to the extent that even positive words can do harm.

  • Jonathan referred to pushing the refresh button on everyone you know? How does this apply to people in your life and how you have historically dealt with the?
  • What are the implications for realizing that we long to be judged by our intentions and yet quickly judges others by their actions, appearances and words (for years, in some cases)?
  • What are the risks associated with disbelieving what you hold in your mind toward those that you know and have carried assumptions and thoughts towards that are unfavorable?
  • What are the risks associated with disbelieving what you hold in your mind toward those that you DO NOT KNOW and have carried assumptions and thoughts towards that are unfavorable (celebrities, people groups, politicians, etc..)?
  • How can this group be helpful as you enter a season of disbelieving your own thoughts toward others, reassessing what and who others are without the commentary our society has programmed into us, and generally being gracious enough to always assume the 9th commandment is always being broken?

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