We hope that you have had a great summer thus far with your group, embracing that things are always different through the summer with group dynamics, but God is still at work and people are still hungry for challenge and meaning in their busy lives.
This week, as we continue some church basics in Church Stuff, we tackle...or are tackled by, the Holy Spirit of God.
As a leader, you must from the very outset decide if you are going to discuss the Holy Spirit as a topic, or as the One first and most present in the room you're meeting. The former will make for some great chatting and perhaps some learning. The latter is a lifechanging environment where people leave a little differently, seeing the world and their lives a little differently, than when they arrived. DOn't worry about what you do not know. COme as a group to the feet of God and seek to learn and know him together. He wants to grow and guide your group more than you do. Your job is to create an environment where He can do what He does.
Here is the song performed at the close of service.
- What are some things that have really stuck with you in this series?
- What are some things that you have really been hung up on?
- What are some things that you feel like God is asking you to take action on and you haven't?
- What most impacted you from the message this week?
- Isaiah 11:1-2
- Thoughts?
- One was said to be coming that would be genealogically connected to the Jewish line, and yet would also have God's Spirit. This was to be Jesus. What comes to mind when you see how His Spirit is described, with wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge and deep respect or fear of the Lord?
Leader note: it may be worth noting, in connection with the above passage, Matthew 3:16. Try and help the group see that the Spirit of the Lord working in and through Jesus equals the inner things they want in each of their own lives, not just relative strangeness and faith-proving tricks. Help them see that these are things we all strive for, though the words we use might be slightly different. According to God, in this passage and in other places, it is only through the Spirit of the Root of Jesse, the Messiah, that these things can be had.
- Acts chapter 2 (Th
e Message translation)
- Thoughts?
- This passage has represented, for a long time, something referred to as the Birth of the Church. What would it be without the Holy Spirit doing what He did?
- Feeling free to use your imagination, what would change in your life, whether it be you faith, how you see your family or vocation, your past, your future, your satisfaction with your present, if God's Spirit were invited to come and breathe Life into all of it?
Leader note: If you have Christians in the room that non or new Christians might benefit from, reverse this question and ask, What would change in your life, whether it be you faith, how you see your family or vocation, your past, your future, your satisfaction with your present, if God's Spirit were taken out of all of it?
- Why is it uncomfortable for us, intellectually, behaviorally, emotionally, to embrace that God's Spirit is present with us right now, as well as every single moment after this?
- What are your difficulties with taking on the role, with others, as a living temple of God?
- How do you think God sees these difficulties, since he is the one that came up with the idea to inhabit our messy lives?
- Vulnerability time: God's Holy Spirit is quietly prompting and hovering over the chaos of your life. Share with the group, no matter how unsure you feel about it, what He might be stirring, challenging, convicting and speaking in you.
- How can the group be helpful as you discern what God's Spirit might be up to.
- Does anyone feel on the outside of the church, even though they come to church and are part of this group? How can the rest of the group help you feel incorporated into the Holy Spirit-connected church of God?
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