Sunday, September 20, 2009

...THE END... the third sign

We hope you're having some fun with this series, as well as having a renewed sense that the scriptures are more than merely "true", but borne out of God's desire to point us to reality (not away from it).
This is week the message will give you some fodder for discussing how the Bible discusses Christ's coming, and whether or not we're "going". The Rapture of the church has become a huge point of discussion ( and a boon for book writers!). The idea that God will take us somewhere else while things heat up here has captured a lot of attention, while making a lot of other cultures that worship Christ wonder what it comes from.

Use this discussion to see if you can come to understand the different perspectives (and find the support for them as well!) and see what it has to do with how we live our lives today. If you can't find the latter, then the former is really of no consequence.

  • How has this series been challenging your faith and encouraging you day-to-day?
  • How has it altered your view of the Scriptures?
  • How would you explain the Apocalyptic component of the Bible to someone else at this point?

  • Genesis 1:26-31
  • Thoughts
  • Is this Gods first intention, or is it secondary to him? Why do you believe what you believe, and what's the difference?

Leader note: See that God uses an emotional response of "very good", versus merely "I'm done". He is very pleased with how it's turned out, which means it's just what he wanted. TRo say we're to leave someday means God doesn't get, ultimately, what he felt very good about. He started, in this view, by putting people where they wouldn't be after a while because sin and brokenness ran us all off...

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
  • Thoughts?
  • How do you read this verse knowing that "coming" in verse 15 is the Greek word “parousia”, which means historically 1. one becomes aware of a supernatural presence of a god, typically through the evidence of miraculous healing, and 2. when a king or emperor would personally visit one of his colonies/provinces?
  • How do you interpret it knowing that the people of a city or province went out to meet a king before he came into town, or while he was still outside it?

  • Matthew 28:18-20
  • Thoughts?

Leader note: If believers get taken off the planet, how else might people who don't know Christ find out about him as he desires? Matthew 28:18-20 seems to be an insight to Christ's heart for people. Yet, it would seem impossible to carry out in the absence of those he sends.

  • Why does it matter whether or not we are "staying" or "leaving"?
  • What are the ramifications of both scenarios with regard to the love of people, of creation and the duty to have a heart for the things that God has a heart for?
  • Spend some time in prayer about the meaning of diving into difficulty in Jesus' name, versus waiting to be plucked out of it. Pray through courage, strength, determination and an increased need and desire to trust God as things get more difficult and people need to see faith all the more.

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