Sunday, March 8, 2009

Money $2

Don't forget that as this week is meant to give more practical assistance to our walk where finances are concerned, we will also be providing a three-seminar environment on March 15th call What.Now.
You may want to attend this offering as a group, or as a partial group with the other part serving in the childcare area that is being provided so as to remove any hurdles some may have in attending. Please RSVP to jenny at if you or your group is planning to attend, serve and with how many children you are bringing.
For this weeks discussion, see if you can help each of your members make a decision to take a step. Or to grow in awareness of the importance to know where your money is going ahead of time, based on where God wants to take our families, and what He wants to do through them.

  • What really stuck with you from the message?
  • What decisions if any did you feel like you/your family need to make?

  • Prov. 28:26
  • Thoughts?
  • What does this passage say to you regarding tracking expenses?
  • Why isn't foolishness a big concern in our culture, compared tot he times in which this was written?

  • Matt 6:21
  • Thoughts?
  • Jonathan discussed living on 3 percentages (a percentage to live on, to give, to save). How is this determined by where you place your treasure, or what you and your family value most?
  • Proverbs 21:20
  • Thoughts?
  • How is your life wise, and how is it foolish, when you consider this passage and the value of predetermining a percentage to live, give and save?

  • Prov 22:7
  • Thoughts?
  • What's the first thing you can imagine would be different in your life if your debt was cut in half? Eliminated completely?
  • Why would God want us out of debt?
  • If our economy counts on debt, but God wants us out of debt, what does this say about some of the choices He may be asking us to make as a family, and as a body across the nation?

  • Prov 25:28
  • Thoughts?
  • Why is self-control so difficult?
  • Is it necessary, generally to have as much self-control as when this passage was written? Why or why isn't that good?
  • Respond as a group to this quote from the message,
    "Get accountable to those who want something FOR you, not FROM you"
  • How can this group provide financial accountability without freaking each other out?
  • What painful decision have you been avoiding, and how can this group help you make it?

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow life group leader I strongly suggest that all groups spend some time talking about money and values. How we spend our money and our value system is related. Bad choices results in physical and spiritual death across our planet. I have been to 10 of the poorest countries in the world and have seen this first hand. Therefore, please take the time to discuss this subject. Do not be afraid to use God's words to challenge people in Love. If your family needed help you would fight for them! However, please realize that you have brothers and sisters in Christ on the other side of the world that you have never met that need someone to fight for them.


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