Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Great example for Beta Group Communication

Lori and Blain Dillard will begin their new Beta Group next week. Below you will see the email that they sent to their new people. I think it's a great example of how to begin setting some expectation and clarity for people that really need their new leaders to lead them. 
Great job, Dillards!

Hi folks...  Well, I know some of you and the rest I hope will become new friends!  I trust you all remember signing up for a Life Group at MERGE last Sunday night.   8-)    You hopefully met my wife Lori Dillard, as I was in the Philippines on a business trip.  Well, I'm glad to be back now, and I'm getting excited about our first Life Group meeting next Tuesday, September 23 at 7pm.  We will be meeting at the home of Brandon and Karen James  (address was in email, but has been omitted for online privacy). 

In case you have not been in such a group before, let me try to describe what to expect.... Since it will be our first night, we will probably keep it to about 90 minutes.  We'll have a little dessert, coffee, socializing, meet & greet, etc...  Then, we'll finally sit down in the living room, and start our group time together.  For the 6 week "beta" period, we may have a variety of subjects or media we will use to help guide our discussion. Then we'll adjourn, perhaps picking up another bite of dessert on the way out (if any is left!).  

I know we have some parents of teens, and some parents of young-uns'.  Lori and I are parents of 3 boys:  5, 7, and almost-10.  Here is a recent picture.  During our group time, we typically arrange for a baby sitter who comes to our home, and sits for our kids and one other.  Childcare is always a challenge for parents of little kids.  Hopefully you will be able to work something out for Tuesday night, and if not, please let Lori know (email address) and we'll see if we can come up with some ideas.

If you have any problems finding the house on Tuesday, call my cell at ###-####.  Or if you have questions now, let me know!

Again, I look forward to meeting (or seeing) you all again soon!

Blain Dillard

1 comment:

  1. Excellent email, and very welcoming. I'd feel put at ease if I were coming to a group for the very first time! Thanks for sharing.


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