There will be no regular services November 9th.
Instead, Crosspointe's campus will be open Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th for you/your family to come turn in your filled-out commitment card and participate in various elements such as a prayer walk, communion, and more.
If you fill out your commitment card online at THEWHYPROJECT.NET, you're still very much encouraged to come and participate for as little or as long as you'd like. Each household making a commitment will receive a brick from the wall on stage to take home as an emblem of their commitment to The Why Project, and at a later date we'll all bring these bricks back to be incorporated into the site.
Like last week, be sure to use your group time to allow members to know one another, and be known by each other in a way that matters to your specific group. But also take time to pray and think some about this momentous season we're in. We will return to "regular programming" after the Commitment Weekend.
You can discuss Micah 6:6-8, the main text from this weekend, uncovering how "what God requires" plays out in your individual lives, and within your group. You can break it down as:
Do what’s right Devote yourself to kindness. Walk behind God.
...and how it was obviously in view when Jesus summarized the will of God as he did in Matthew 22:36-40.
Then, your group can:
- Pray for the members of Crosspointe to be leaning in, to be stepping up to the opportunity God has given this community.
- Pray for the surrounding community, for the many people we've yet to meet who will benefit forever from the faith and dedication of the people of Crosspointe.
- Pray for the YMCA, and the specific people and leaders who will represent Crosspointe's ministry partners to the local community and to the world for a long time to come.
- Pray for the leaders at Crosspointe and the YMCA and the Town of Cary who have worked for years to create a collaboration that will impact lives in ways we can only now imagine.
- Pray about your group's and its members' role in THE WHY PROJECT.
And Get up to speed.
- You can go to and see Jonathan Bow, Lead Pastor and TJ Terry, Lead Strategist present the entire project as they've done for hundreds of members of Crosspointe.
- You can see Tracy Howe, COO for the YMCA discuss what effect this collaboration will have on the community.
- You can see Jonathan Bow's 4+ minute presentation to the Town of Cary about the vision we're all part of.
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