This week, in a way, is the ultimate so what. Jesus is God.
Many of us learned that he was and is God, but have never wrestled with the implications beyond a sense that "well then, our religion is more valid than yours". As you and your group discuss the message this week, make sure that it never becomes a position strengthener or a mere apologetic. Help the group to understand that the divinity of Jesus is at once a great comfort, and a challenging call to new life.
Much of the beginning of the message on Sunday had to do with the Biblical interchangeability of Jesus with Yahweh (YHWH). There may be some desire to discuss this as intellectually stimulating, but the application to our faith is found in the final application of Christ's deity and Lordship over our lives. The discussion should deal more in letting God rule, than proving he's in the position to do so.
- What is a way that God has been depicted in a movie that you are hoping is actually pretty close to reality? Why?
- What's a depiction that you would hate to find out was close to reality? Why?
- What most stuck with you from the message on Sunday?
- What do you sense God is wanting you to do with what you learned?
Read Aloud
- Phil 2:1-11
Leader note: This letter would be from Paul to a small church and read aloud to a group with eagerly listening ears. See if you can capture that spirit a bit to appreciate why this section, thought to be an early hymn that Paul recorded in his letter, would seem to be important enough to include to the young church.
- Thoughts?
- Verses 6 and 7 describe the dual tensions within Christ. Why is this important for us?
- Colossians 2:6-10
- Thoughts?
- How do you think the early Christians, Jews who had spent their lives worshiping God, were adjusting to the idea that the God of their youth was actually Jesus?
- What relief did this revelation bring?
- What challenge did it bring?
- How do you imagine it changed discussions about God, the Bible, faith, the future for people who had been coming together for decades before to discuss it?
- If the Christ of the Gospels is God, how is this different from your view of what God is like?
- How does this affect your faith?
- Luke 6:46
- Philippians 2:12-18
Leader note: As you can see, this picks up in Philippians where you left off earlier. This is the "therefore..." section, or the "so what". This is how a renewed view of Christ affects our lives, in part. Obedience to the commands of Christ out of trust in the heart and character of Christ. Ask questions about how this plays itself out for your group, our church and us as individuals, today.
- Thoughts?
- Not merely in generalities, but personally and as a group of followers, what changes of life and thought are necessary of we're to say that Jesus Christ is Lord and God?
- How can the others in the group help you submit yourself to the reign of Christ in your day-to-day life?
- What are the areas you resist his mastery the most? Why do you think this is?
- Who in the group is the most like you in terms of roadblocks you seem to have in submission to Christ? How can you challenge each other to surrender more of your selves to Him?
- Who in the group seems to have surrender to Christ worked out in areas of their life where you do not? How might they help you?
- Spend a few moments quietly in thought and prayer and see if you can identify 2 areas in your life where you have bowed your knee to another master. Perhaps it's the way you talk to others. Perhaps it's finances. Perhaps it's the secret you keep. What would it look like to bring it to light and let God, as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, actually be the Lord and God of that? Be sure and tell at least one other in the group, or the value of the revelation will not last longer than your group time.
Additional Reading
- John 20:24-29
- Luke 6:46
- John 8
- John 18:1-6
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