One. We will be picking up next week with our discussions on "Rescuing Jesus". Stay tuned for a guide and some thoughts on that for next week.
Two. In the absence of a message this week, some groups are now without an obvious basis of discussion. Here's a few ideas to consider for discussion this week.
- Ask this question, and then quietly allow answers; "what have you been learning about God, yourself and others recently". The group can be blessed by hearing, as well as sharing the response to that. Additionally, you can get a feel for people's sensitivity to the work of God's Spirit. You may get some people that talk A TON. You may get others that simply turn it into an opportunity to talk about the random happenings of their job, etc. You may get stunned silence. All of these and more are actually answers, in that they reveal how our collective antennae are up to listen for and see God in our lives.
- Ask people to share how they feel like they are stepping into the next chapter of their story. This is slightly connected to the preceding. You are inviting your group to look at their life as a narrative. The choices we make affect how the narrative is and will play itself out. This and questions like it get people thinking about where they are headed, and Who it is that they submit to as their life unfolds. Be ready to highlight good stories, and encourage people feeling disappointed.
- Have people write down on a piece of paper one Biblical thing they would love to discuss. A hang up, a doubt, whatever. Then commit to discussing 2. Draw them out of a hat. Ask people why they think what they do about them. Ask in the end if it affects how we see God as presented in Christ (is it critical to our faith to be 100% right about?). Have fun!
- Do an impromptu potluck based on a cultural theme, a word or individual people's signature dish. Follow up with communion and thanks for all God is, has done and will do.
- Take a hard look at what you're service options are, and what you are planning to do. Don't throw out a bunch of new serving ideas...but guide your group to strategically align with stuff already in progress. How can you do something meaningful at the DRM. need to have someone in the group call Pam McKerring ( and get the serving ball rolling. How can you get involved in Haiti? Can some members go in 2010, 2011? Can you look into something simpler, but no less life-changing like micro-finance? How can you get involved with the mission on Sunday monings? Is it time to have someone in the group contact Bonnie Kovacik ( get plugged into what we do on the weekends?
- Be creative, there are many other things that may fit a lot better than anything above.
Three. The next series begins the second Sunday in February. It's entitled "Picture Developing". It's a short series on some of what it looks like (and what is required) to transform into the image of Christlikeness. Should be fun, as we explore things like selfishness, wisdom, haste and impulse and discipleship. Following that, in March, we will begin our Easter series, which will be the Narrative of Scripture. Ever wonder how the whole thing ties together and what the overarching themes are. This series is designed to respond to that and catapult followers forward into not only understanding the story, but their (our) role in it.
Four. Got any cool stories?
Share them! We'd love to highlight a few groups this months and find out how God is at work in the hearts of those on this journey week in and week out.
Thanks for all you are and do.
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