Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Site Update

By clicking here, you can view the other items available on the actual LifeGroup Leader site that you don't see when updates come to your email's inbox, or if you use a reader. You can also enjoy the fresh, brilliant new look! Currently, down the right hand column of the site, you can find the following resources:
BUT! We want to always be improving the tools we put into our leaders hands. So, here's how you can have some say about the site: What are topics we can specifically touch on? What other bits of information do you find yourself needing? How else can this site be helpful to you?

Let us know in the comment section, or by emailing me or Jenny. If we can do it (or if we can steal it from another site), we will.



  1. one of the things that would be helpful for me is to hear some tips from you guys (as well as other life group leaders) on facilitating good discussions.

    specifically, in our group, participation is not a problem. our people love to talk - which is great! my challenge is keeping the discussion on topic and moving through the questions so that we actually end up where we want to go - with some sort of application.

    sometimes i'm afraid our discussions end up being aimless until we run out of time. my fear is that it's unsure for everyone what the takeaway is.

    thoughts anyone?

  2. How about having an official "time keeper" whose responsibility it is to keep you on task and on time... (someone other than the leader)

    It would be fun to have this person keep a notebook - like a prayer journal - where when these discussions come up they jot down some of these good topic ideas and formalize the "take away". Such as: Maybe you are talking about the latest Sunday Message re: parenting - maybe there was a take away regarding what everyone wanted to do more of - doing more with their kids, doing more with their parents, having a difficult discussion, etc. Then your "official" person could write a task list in the notebook, "Parking Lot" the discussion and you all could move on.

    The next week that person could follow up and see if anyone has any follow up stories to share. Or maybe they could follow up in a couple weeks.

    Would be fun to look through this book at the end of your session and see what questions came up and what kind of action (good or bad) came out of it. It would also help bring to light some great Life Group stories that Steve is always looking for!


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