- What does November represent to you? Why?
- What stuck with you most from Sunday? Why?
- John 9:29
- Mark 8:22-25
- Thoughts?
Leader note: While reading the Mark 8 passage, you or others in the group may note a verse later records Jesus telling this formerly blind man not to go back into the village. Don't get too hung up on it. There are several possible explanations for telling him not to go back into town. One, Jesus often tells people not to tell others about the miracle he's performed. Jesus is often concerned about the clarity of his message (not being confused with his miraculous ability as some sort of show) and the ease with which he moves from town to town to do what he came to do. He had limited time, and didn't want his path jammed up people seeking him only as a wonder worker. The message was about what others were to become because of Him, a revolution of love, not just a single God/man who could do amazing things for crowds. Additionally, the village/town ay have been bad for the blind man. To adjust to being a seeing person now, it may not have been ideal to send him into what would've undoubtedly been an ecstatic inquisition. Other explanations are just as plausible...again, don't get hung up here.
- What significance is there for you in Jesus doing a "two-phase" miracle?
- What might it mean to cause blindness in those who count themselves among the seeing?
- Have there been people in your life who caused you difficulty/harm in their stubborn inability to see or hear you? Explain.
- What does it cost people to admit that they were wrong or ignorant about someone, and to go back and "see them again"?
- In what ways do you find yourself seeing/hearing, but not very good at perceiving?
- Matthew 7:1-5
- Thoughts?
- This is different than "don't judge". This is "judge yourself with the same standards you apply to others." How does this self-reflective, blindspot-acknowledging kind of discernment differ than mere judging or labeling?
- This week, ask God to give you a second seeing. To "touch your eyes" again with regard to friends, family, enemies, those who live, vote, think, act, decide, relate differently. Ask God to show you three things you hadn't seen before. Perhaps you will be ready to share with the group what this second seeing has revealed about those you thought you already had pretty well figured out!
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