Sunday, January 11, 2015

Students of the Art of Living, John 1

First, we're creators. Encourage members of your group, and ourself, to create some art for our new series. It can be design work on a computer. It can be a painting. It can be sculpture or even graffiti as long as no one breaks any laws. Or at least no one gets caught. Email the office with your submissions.

Second, drill down on the ideas from the series kick-off and watch how we become more involved in the grace and peace we're ever invited more deeply into.


  • What most stuck with you from Sunday morning?


  • John 1:1-5, 1:14-18
  • Thoughts?
  • This is a statement of doctrine. But it's also a a pattern laid out for us, as Jesus always put it, to "follow." What does "word becoming flesh" and sharing in the fullness of glory have to do with how we live our lives?
  • Ephesians 2:12-22
  • Thoughts?
  • Huge heavy question alert: Anything that's more than "one" seems to be too many. For Christ, everything is trending toward oneness. How do your personality, style of conversation, career, biases, upbringing, choices, keep separation and division around, versus bringing people together?
Leader note: you may find that an example will help. There are things on TV, grudges that are nurtured, entire business models, that celebrate one dominating the other. In fact, some people can't imagine success without it requiring the failure of others. Try to dig into this ira and see if you can't find structures in your lives that work against the oneness God is calling us to.

  • How can this group grow more as a place that reminds us that the Good News requires us to continue canceling wars, splits, divisions and the animosity that feeds them?
  • Who are the strongest people of peace and love and connection that you know, and how can you learn from them?
  • Who are the most divisive, confrontational people you know and how has that seemed to work for and against them?

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