There is quite a bit of excitement in the air as our community steps into the next chapter where Kenya and Haiti are concerned. This week, Jonathan interview's Kurt from 410 Bridge and discusses a few key updates, as well as important principles that apply to our ongoing work in the 3rd world, as well as our day-to-day.
Use this time as a group to talk about the principle of "when helping hurts", standing on the shoulders of the previous two weeks as well as gleaning from your own experience in humility.
As a group leader, remember to not only "get through" the discussion time, but help the group to discover their involvement in Crosspointe's overall mission. THis could range from prayer, sponsorship, getting educated about Jacmel Haiti and Michura, Kenya, helping out with fundraisers, etc. In addition to find ways in the near future for more and more people to get involved, remember to find ways to explore the topic, humility in this case, and how it applies to each of us in real life, and not just as an idea within a discussion.
What most stuck out for you about Sunday morning?
What were the key points for you in the message?
What was the "one thing" you took away that seems applicable in your own, personal life?
Have you ever done harm by trying to do good?
How does this happen, and how have you learned to see the difference early?
What did you learn:
*About God?
*About yourself?
*About others?
Can you think of any examples where Jesus "could have" helped someone and didn't? Might he have known something about longterm harm coming from short-term help? Explain.
What changes of thought and style of relating are necessary in light of what you learned?
What are the hindrances, and what do we do about those?
What role can this group play to help you take steps this week and beyond?
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