Many of us have settled for agreeing that there are things to be believed and hoped for and agreed with, but when it comes to us ACTUALLY living out those realities, we just won't step into them. So, we're stuck between trying to maintain our comforts and wondering why there isn't more substance to our life.
Comfort seekers-fed-up with their addiction to comfort.
Use this time to help your group take steps out of mere ideas, concepts and truths and into the wild, troubling and even dangerous realm of reality.
***It's important to note that much of the discussion centers on glorifying God with faith enough to listen for his voice and do what he says. The side affect of this conversation is that some people will be facing their own disobedience. Be sure and articulate, if necessary, that what's at stake here isn't God's love and acceptance. Failing to step into a moment isn't a failure to be found lovable by God, anymore than a parent fails to love his child because she is too fearful to ride a bike without training wheels. What's at stake is the abundant life and the awesome story God is telling trough our faithful adherence to his voice. What's at stake is the real substance of our faith! Discussing ideas is great, but reality, really lived, is the point of life!
- Growing up, who in your immediate family was always the risk-taker?
- What were the good and bad affects of that kind of attitude toward life?
Leader note: If it doesn't naturally occur, ask "where are they now" questions.
- What motivates courageous acts?
- What's the difference between courage and foolishness?
- What most resonated with you from Sunday's message?
- John 12:23-28
- Matthew 26:36-39, 42
- John 18:28-37
- Thoughts?
Leader note: It may be helpful to point out the progression of these texts for some of your members. These texts move Jesus chronologically from a conversation that occurred days before his crucifixion, to his prayer in Gethsemane the night before the crucifixion, to his exchange with Pontius Pilate, the Roman "governor" over the area of Jerusalem just a few hours before his crucifixion (and during his essentially "mock-trial").
- Jesus is clear about his fate. Yet, even knowing the outcome (resurrection!) of the extreme difficulty he is about to face doesn't seem to reduce his stress. In your own words, describe what Jesus does with his troubled spirit and the "hour" he is facing.
- Describe a time when you had fear, dread and a troubled spirit and how that affected you stepping into "the hour" God put before you.
- Describe other times when words like fear and dread are too strong, but an opportunity for bringing light was passed up because of discomfort.
Leader note: You may want to go first on this one. This question gets at those moments that are comparatively less epic. When filing taxes, it would be easier not to include some income. When telling a loved one or even a spouse about minor details, it's easier to sugar-coat or exclude the parts that could get you criticized. When having a water-cooler conversation, it would be easier to just go with the flow as an absent co-worker is degraded. When recounting the family trip, it would be easier to slam mother to friends. When employing personal discipline, it's easier to sooth the belly late at night with one last snack. Find ways as the leader and facilitator of discussion to illuminate ways that we are presented a sacred, important moment, but we don't step into it because of the inner troubling it brings; disappointing others or their standards, having to go without, having to endure discomfort or rocking the social boat, etc.
- Describe a time when you stepped all the way into and through a troubling hour and came out the other side. Include details about how it affected faith, wisdom, strength, your relationships, courage for next time, etc.
- Share with the group any "moments" you are facing right now, whether they are larger scale decisions, or they are daily opportunities to be handle people and choices differently than anyone else around you.
- How can this group go beyond a gathering of people that agrees with you about what is true, and helps you step into reality?
- What's in your way?
- What does it take to get it out of your way?
- What things would be different in one year if you pushed through the troubling nature you are facing now and sought to glorify God?
Leader note: You may consider ending with some note taking and capture what you can from the group about what they share. This will take some work on the leaders' part, but recording their responses above, (such as "job opportunities that align better with the Kingdom but are far less income and benefits", "need to stand up for co-worker instead of consenting to ridicule and gossip" "need to start getting honest with parents/spouse/employer", etc.) and then presenting each member in the future (next quarter, 6 months, one year anniversary, etc...) what they had said, is a way of helping propel ourselves forward. You will be writing down "truths" (i.e. things God is asking me to step into) and then at a later date, asking about how that has begun to align with what's "real" (i.e. when it matters, how have I begun to step into the hour I am presented). Let them know you are doing it and agree on a date in the future to get out your True-Real sheet and see how your particular group is growing in its ability to glorify God and expand his kingdom into our day-to-day life.
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