Sunday, March 20, 2011

Seven #1 Reasons, Chief Reason

Freedom is the experienced state of being free.
Wisdom is the applied/experienced state of being wise.
Boredom is the experienced state of being bored.

So what is a Kingdom?

This week, help your group to hear this overlooked, misunderstood word for the first time. Getting it right means understands a main reason Jesus, our King (master, leader, Lord) came and what he spent so much time talking about and introducing. Not getting this right reduces "Kingdom" to part of a religious vocabulary and detaches it from our modern existence, which robs us of what our creator seems to think is good news; He as King, we as followers.

  • What can we learn about God as Spring unfolds?
  • How does what we learn about God from nature contradict the images that we most often associate withGod?
  • What most stuck with you from Sunday morning?
  • What do you feel like God is asking you to do with what you heard and experienced from this weekend?

  • Luke 4:42, 43
  • Thoughts?
  • Matthew 13:44
  • Thoughts?

Leader note: You may have people who cannot get away from the specific image of the kingdom of God being heaven. This isn't incorrect, just limited. The Bible does seem to connect al this imagery together, so here are a few thoughts in going forward. One, heaven is often a replacement for "God". Kingdom of Heaven and Kingdom of God are interchangeable and one is used depending on the reverence of the writer. It's an ancient Jewish custom to avoid saying or writing "God" (you may see it "G-d" these days). Second, heaven isn't meant to be strictly an "up there" p;ace that we go post-mortem, but a dimension of reality that communicates the realm of God's will enacted. In the Lord's prayer, "your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" is a way of saying "make what You want to happen, your will that's in effect in heaven, also happen here". So, again, we aren't simply going to the kingdom after we die, but the Kingdom is supposed to arrive in Christ, as some argue the Kingdom IS Christ. It's available know through our measurable faith in redemption today. Think of the Kingdom as a Now and Later!

  • Jesus seems to think that when we catch a taste of the Kingdom, it will be something we will go after with everything we have. He seems to think that we will agree that it's good news? What might the Gospel of the Kingdom entail if it's such good news?
  • How can having a master be good news?
  • What masters do we already have?
  • What's unattractive at this point in our understanding with submitting to the King of the kingdom?

  • Genesis 1:26-27
  • Thoughts?

Leader note: Be mindful that there is much here to take you off the path. Try not to totally squelch tangents about creation or debates therein. Also note that dominion isn't a picture of pillaging recklessly. It's responsibility. Many Christians feel like this means we can do what every we want to the earth. On the contrary, when a King shares dominion, that's increased care, not less. Faithful people are the original environmentalists. This thrust here is the fact that being made in the image of a creator and master makes us creators and masters.

  • We are made in the image of the King and have been given dominion over our part of this world. This is a lower case "k" kingdom. How does this and the gospel overlap?

Leader note: This is simply about helping people connect what Jesus is up to with the original intent of God for humanity. Try and explore what a proper relationship people would have to God, each other and the world if the Kingdom was in place.

  • Why does it require Jesus' Spirit to be able to experience and live in the Kingdom of God?
  • How do we understand forgiveness when we think about the Kingdom, or Kingship, of our Creator?

  • Answer and discuss these questions from the message:
1. Where in my life am I learning to follow well?
2. Am I growing in trusting Jesus or only in trusting what He did for me?
3. Am I more focused on living life or avoiding sin?
  • How can the King have more reign in your life?

Leader note: Don't allow the group to think that this is a petty question that's asking "how can you stop being bad so that God can be the boss?" This is a question of what/who guides decisions, words...what informs hope, what drives decisions pertaining to career, spending, giving, attitudes. All of it. Many of us resolve that God isn't "king enough" and feel like that means we don't go to church or pray think holy enough. This is about mastery, not the inflicting of guilt of morality.

  • How can this group be part of your surrender to the Kingship of Christ and his Kingdom?
  • What stands in the way?

Leader note: If it doesn't register as good news for a person, then they are not likely to step into it. One might argue that they shouldn't. Many Christians, recognizing this, resort to threats about what happens after we die. Maybe people can be frightened into the Kingdom! Jesus never does this. The Kingdom is just that great, that you don't have to scare people into it. Be mindful that if people don't yet recognize the good news as good news, they are just not ready yet. Celebrate the long term effect of what you are doing and don't feel like it's an evaluation of your groups worth if people aren't ready.

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