But not just any stories. Stories that continue to point to the other dimension for reality that most of us are a lot less sensitive to. But despite our lack of sensitivity, the other half of reality is no less there.
we so often deal with the chiefly intellectual parts of our faith that we forget it's largely comprised of mystical happenings. SO, as a group, discuss even the smallest clues in your life that perhaps there is more going on in our day than what can be easily apprehended with the 5 senses. Help the group not merely share coincidences, but all also don't invalidate any story shared. The common theme should be God drawing people into Jesus like living, and evil trying to dismantle his Kingdom.
- What most impacted you from the message Sunday?
- How has it affected how you see and experience your life?
- Are you someone who seems to easily perceive the supernatural, or is it difficult? When did you first discover this?
- Are you open or skeptical? Why?
- 2 Kings 6:8-23
- Thoughts?
- 1 Kings 19:9-12
- Thoughts?
- Colossians 1:13-20
- Thoughts?
Leader note: The idea here is that Paul was very comfortable talking about Jesus' role has having to do with an unseen, intangible realm. In fact, His role seems to have just as much to do with that one as ours. Not only did Jesus create the invisible dimensions of reality, but His cross actually redeems it. Things in heaven and on earth may be an elegant way for Paul to be saying "Jesus didn't just die for human sins, but for all of reality and every facet of brokenness."
- Tell a story about when you sensed that God might be at work in your life, if even in the smallest details.
- Share a story about when you sensed that something dark was trying to invade your life.
Leader note: This kind of thing is new territory for some people, so you may want to invite them to share stories they've heard, rather than just experienced firsthand. As you finish with your time, be sure and send the group prayerfully aware, with their eyes open such such is in 2 Kings, into their week looking for burning bushes all around them.
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