Sunday, November 15, 2009

Drive. Park?

Hey leaders,
many of you have been on the journey Drive took us on from the very beginning. Many others of you came later, but were no less impacted by our community getting intentional about where we felt like God was/is taking us.
If its a fit for your group's discussion, go over what most inspired you from Sunday morning. There were many elements of the experience to stir the thoughts and point us both backward and forward. Discuss what's next for your group as you take the mission of Crosspointe forward. What can you as a group do on Sunday mornings to enhance our environment? What could your involvement look like at the Durham Rescue Mission in the short and long term? Financially, how can the group each take a step into further trust God and fund the mission? Can your group go to Haiti- perhaps Kenya? Perhaps just a few members go, and the rest of the group support and encourage the effort? Have others gone in the last three years and do they have anything to share with the rest of the group? Be creative and find out how your group can step even more into the dream God has for us.

There are many things to discuss. As leaders, the bottom line is that we have to do the work of aligning our members with the flow that God has created, and revealed to us largely through Drive. It's shepherding (sheep-herding) 101: gently corralling each member of the herd in the direction they need to go. We're all doing it each week. Thank you for making that happen!


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