In this final installment of "Enough", we find that the theme is carried on fluidly, while at the same time we're thrown a curveball. What has been all about God, from his hand, out of his heart and totally outside of our sphere of influence, is not planted in our laps as something that busies us, redirects all our energies and becomes categorized as very much something WE do.
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
So often (most often?), our faith is relegated to an intellectual, if even at times emotional pursuit of a historical figure that once had a few important things to say, if only we can crack the ancient code. We forget that Jesus didn't go the way of Alexander the Great or Gandhi; Jesus is still here (Matt 28:20). We're still invited to follow Jesus, not just study about him.
This week, be bold. You always are...I know. But this week, crank it up to about 11. Be bold enough to lead your group to do something outside of itself in the pursuit of Christ. The Christians need a shot in the arm. Lukewarm ones need a fire lit under their rear-ends. Non-believers need to find Jesus beyond the discussion if they're ever going to surrender. So find a way as the shepherd of your group to lead the flock past the room you meet in, metaphorically and literally, so as to help them become literal rather than metaphoric followers of the Christ. We can't wait to hear the stories of how all that goes down! (be sure and read the last paragraph ahead of time so that you can be thinking all evening how you want to direct your group to move on the discussion you'll be having.)
- What does November bring for your family, traditionally?
- Does anyone experience changes at work when the seasons change?
- Does anyone have changes of mood when the seasons change?
- What has God taught you over the last 5 weeks through this series?
- What stuck with you most from this last message?
- Did anyone here say "yes" to something and lay a card on the stage? Don't tell us yet what it was, but describe for us what that experience was like.
- Eph 2:8-10
- Thoughts?
- How does this passage change your perception of the faith?
- What have you been reminded of that you had forgotten?
- The last part is about good works. What is Paul pushing for?
Leader note: For some contextual insight into what was likely in Paul's very Jewish mind when he wrote this, read here. Also, importantly, note that the literal translation on verse 10 is "prepared beforehand so that we could walk in them". Motion, "way of life", lived-out kinds of themes are insisted upon by the text!
- The word for "workmanship" is ποίημα ("poiēma"), where we get our modern English word "poem". We are a work of art, created by the reputation of Christ, to create good works in the world that align with the reputation of Christ. How does this understanding alter your view of the passage, the faith or even your day-to-day life?
Leader note: If anyone is hung up about Paul's twist "it's not by works.....we have to DO works", spend some time discussing the difference between doing things to get God's love, or doing things because of God's love. Consider Dallas Willard's phrase:
Grace is opposed to earning, not to effort.
- Matthew 9
- Thoughts?
- How would you describe all that happened in Matthew's life in this chapter?
- Who does Matthew look like to outsiders? Explain.
Leader note: Religious people would have held on to the "Tax Collector" moniker in referring to him, but to everyone else, Matthew would have been very plainly seen, by the way he oriented all his life and energies, as "one of the Jesus ones"....or a Christ-ian.
- What challenges and benefits might there be for us, in 2009, in being Jesus-followers that follow Spirit, rather than flesh and blood?
Leader note: If some in the group insist that people can't believe now, like they did then, remind your group that believers (Jews) and non-believers (Romans) alike crucified Jesus, rather than found themselves having an easy time believing. Matthew 28 ends with a resurrected Jesus being believed in and doubted within the same crowd! Seeing is not always believing. That's why we're told to "do good works", not "talk good talk"'s on the road, walking, that we most learn to practice the presence of the Spirit of the resurrected Christ!
- How do we move from intellectual appreciation to following?
- What are the modern-day tax collectors booths that we must get up from?
Leader note: it's not always about quitting your job, though it is no less than that sometimes. Don't let the group think too narrowly about Matthew getting up from his desk.
- Why do many people hear the call of Jesus to follow him, to trust him completely, and to become part of what he is setting right in the world, and settle for less?
- What is most exciting to you about the prospect of reorienting your life around the interests of Christ?
- What is the most terrifying?
- How can this group say "yes" take one step right now toward becoming more, literal, Jesus-followers? If you said "yes on Sunday, tell us what you said yes about.
* Is there anyone willing to step into faith in Christ for the first time? How can the group help? * Are there folks who are willing to admit they have been nagged by God's Spirit about something that isn't "following"? How can we help you step into it?
*Are there people kicking around something they sense God is inviting them to do, but it comes with a cost? Share with us.
*Other thoughts in relation to following Christ?
Leader note: Watch your group. You know them better than any set of questions can- so look for ways and opportunities to challenge the group to look at your time together as a catalyst for something life-changing. God is already at work, his grace has already been poured out. Sometimes we just need to nudge to pick it up and walk (run!) with it. Commit to writing or scheduled follow up emails, coffee, phone calls on anything thats been shared by your group. There's no formal "Baptism day" scheduled anymore, so as a group, you can make it for whenever you wish. Additionally, you may seriously consider having an official conversation about your group's involvement with the Durham Rescue Mission, Haiti, Kenya, Joy in Hope (the new organization that handles Haiti and Kenya that will need an army of volunteers....I mean followers, very soon. Now that you have had this discussion, give it a direction to move toward so it doesn't end in the minds of your group members as talk. Talk is important, obviously. But for many, the time has come to give these talks feet.