Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blood Part IV

As we wrap up the series, we take a turn from the mostly historical context and plant the reality of Christ's blood covenant right in our own laps. How does this affect our lives and our relationships today? What's the application- the life change it brings to bear- when we take it from a sermon and bring it home, to work and to school?
Don't let the opportunity for growth pass your group by. As you discuss this seemingly simple idea, keep in mind that you're discussing the most fundamental idea in our faith; that we would be self-sacrificially committed to each other to the fascination of the world. Look for opportunities to draw out how this gets lived in each other members of your group, and lead the discussion to be as relevant to real life as you can.

Again, communion is very appropriate by nature of the topic, as well as where you are trying to go as a group. If you have questions about celebrating communion as a LifeGroup, you may want to reference this.

  • What's you favorite movie or story about friendship? How did the strength of this friendship get tested in the story?
  • What most stuck with you from the message Sunday?
  • What did it challenge about your thinking with regard to how you relate to others?
  • John 13:34-35
  • Thoughts?
  • Respond to the idea that Jesus want's love to be how people recognize His followers and His movement.
  • Is that how people recognize followers of Christ now? Explain your answer.
  • Why is love a more difficult way of advertising what Jesus is about than anything else religion might emphasize?
Leader note: This is an excerpt of a letter written by an earlier Christian author, Tertullian, to the Roman government in the late second century: "But it is mainly the deeds of a love so noble that lead many to put a brand upon us. See, they say, how they love one another, for themselves are animated by mutual hatred; how they are ready even to die for one another, for they themselves will sooner put to death. And they are wroth with us, too, because we call each other brethren...One in mind and soul, we do not hesitate to share our earthly goods with one another. All things are common among us but our wives." [Apologeticus pro Christianis, Chapter 39]. Interesting how even those persecuting Christians were noting their peculiar habit of loving each other in deep, family-like commitment.

  • How is a contractual type of relationship different from a covenantal relationship?
  • Would you want your friends, spouse and family members to be committed to you, or committed to the role you play as friend, spouse or family member? Explain
Leader note: The idea here is to, as a group, get at the difference between an idea or principle, and an actual person. it's easy to be committed to loving people as a Christian. But it's much, much hard to love actual, difficult, withdrawal making individuals that you work and play with. Suddenly, people go from an idea to a person. Similarly, when we "commit to our marriages", we are committing to an idea, and can fall into contractual relationships. Committing to the other person, the wife or the husband, is much harder- but is the actual exercising of love. When we see others as Christ sees them, we find ourselves in a position not to merely appreciate that they exist and to wish them well- but to do our part to ensure that their souls receive love from ours; with no expectation of return. This is to be our reputation. This is the covenantal love of God. Everything else is just a shallow idea.

  • 1 John 4:7-21
  • Thoughts?
  • How does this text shape or reshape your view of faith in Christ?
  • This group is meant to be a lot of things; one major idea is that this group would be a primary place where this covenant love and commitment could be cultivated, ready to be duplicated in all the other arts of life throughout the week. 
  • Share how your LifeGroup could make you feel more loved.
  • Share how you feel like you could do a better job loving.
  • Share how you think, overall, the whole group could grow in love and commitment together.

Communion: Spend a few minutes celebrating the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. He fulfilled His promise to us, on His loving merits- rather than on the lack of ours. As you eat the bread and drink the juice, feel free to share the one or two things you have learned in the last few weeks about God, your group and yourself. You might even dare to share that which you have learned about the others in the LifeGroup that has made you feel closer to them. Communion with Christ in union with His people, and that union advertises His way and His love to the world. Enjoy this sacred exchange.

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