Wednesday, February 20, 2008

9, 19, 72, 66, 24, 38

Merge Stats

9—Number of groups we offered at Merge
19--Leaders starting Beta groups the first week of March
72-- People that came to Merge to connect with a group
66-- People signed up with a group
24--People who still need to be placed in a group
38—Volunteers who made Merge a success!

What a night! There are always so many significant moments throughout the evening for me. This one had several including one email that I received Sunday afternoon. It was from a gal that wanted to know the specifics of the evening like were there going to be greeters because she didn’t know anyone or know what to do. Reminder not to take greeters for granted! Another was talking with a young couple after Steve “let ‘em loose” to sign up with a group. They had just moved here 4 weeks ago and wanted me to send them to the group closest to them because they did not know the area at all. Also talking with a couple of group leaders afterwards about the overwhelming number of new faces in room Sunday night and one of them is even a greeter on Sunday morning!

What always amazes me and blesses me the most is our volunteers—those who so generously and graciously serve in countless ways with big smiles to make this event happen and to create an environment that is inviting, relaxing and fun so that people can connect with groups. We were so thankful for the several Life Groups that serves together as a group this past Sunday. One of our Thursday night groups (led by Bryan Johnson) set up the room after worship. Another group (led by Bill and Sally Caldwell) came early to prep and serve food plus they cleaned up, took out the trash and hauled tables back upstairs. One of our teen life groups (led by Becky Ashley) served in the childcare area. One Wednesday night group (led by Ann & Glen Lewis) provided transitional childcare as we were tag teaming with FPU and greeted people at the door directing them to the WOW area if they had children. We had several others that came and served individually and we couldn’t have done it with out them either!

Serving together as a group in one specific area has so many advantages like camaraderie—group members can feed off of each other’s energy, encourage one another, and even joke with one another. It can be a great group builder as the group focuses on a task. Plus it is simply more fun doing something with people that you know. There is more efficiency and excellence in the outcome because the group is more comfortable with one another. Group members that know each other can bring out the best in each other.

Many groups have already enjoyed the benefits of serving together at an event like Merge this past Sunday or on Sunday mornings in Toddler A or at the Durham Rescue mission. One Life Group is even planning a short term mission trip to Haiti this spring. So let’s not stop here, there are more opportunities on the horizon especially as Crosspointe moves to three services—maybe your group would like to serve in the Information Center during the first service or in the Kindergarten class or Kidspointe during the second or third services. Listen out in the coming weeks for areas of service and need at Crosspointe and the Durham Rescue Mission. Be strategic—serve together! Let me know how I can help you get your group plugged into an area to serve in, and be sure and tell us how God uses this to bond your group, as well as bless those you serve!


  1. Good stuff! I love how groupworld is growing and growing....
    Joey Hansen

  2. Note to Becky...your girls were great! Tell them thanks again.


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