- Have the heaters been turned on yet or not? What's your threshold?
- What most stuck with you from Sunday?
"I walked on the moon"
- Thoughts?
- Luke 14:1-11
- Thoughts?
- What drives the behavior Jesus was addressing?
- How do you see it playing out in your own life?
Leader note: Keep in mind the previous question is asking about the group member's life, not others' behavior. Make sure this part of the discussion doesn't become recognizing other people's Chair Game playing and not our own!
- What's the difference between healthy ambition and the Chair Game?
- What allow Jesus to wash feet and stay out of the pecking order, and how is what what allows Jesus to do this available to us?
- Proverbs 25:6-7
- Proverbs 27: 2
- 1 Peter 5:5-7
- Thoughts?
- Why is this hard?
Respond as a group to this quote from Sunday:
"There is no higher echelon or rank at home, at work, at school, at church, or anywhere, than 'at peace right where you're at.'"
- How can this group be a place where the broken ego is put to rest, and the Chair Game is replaced with service and love of others?
- What stands in your way and how can that be addressed?