Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oh come all ye Mamzers

As we lay the foundation for where we are going in December, use this study to discuss how you and your group think of their place in the story. Everyone "likes" the Christmas story if they know it. But few of us understand that we are invited to be more than observers or merely "liker" of it. We are invited, regardless of our merit our lack thereof, to be participants. This is our story. Christmas isn't about the King being born in lowly circumstances. It is about the King being born to us, the lowest of the low, and our living our lives in response to and in participation with that fact. We sinners, rejects and heathens are the reason for the season!

  • What were the key points OF Sunday's message for you?
  • What was the "one thing" you took away?
  • What surprised you?
  • What bothered you? Why?
  • Have you ever heard or come across a similar teaching or idea? Have you ever been taught something that was contradictory?
  • What is/was already part of your thinking on this subject?
  • What did you learn that was new to you?
  • *About God?
  • *About yourself?
  • *About others?
  • What changes of thought are necessary in light of what you learned?
  • What changes of action are needed?
  • How would life be different if you/we applied this teaching fully?
  • What are the hindrances, and what do we do about those?
  • What role can this group play to help you take steps this week and beyond?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What causes fights and quarrels among us?

"A man lives by believing something: not by debating and arguing about many things".
Thomas Carlyle

All relationships have conflict. That's a normal and even necessary element of having two distinct beings overlap their experiences, perspectives and ideas. But conflict turns into argument and all out ugliness when that overlap somehow becomes a threat to one or both parties.
In a sense, we are in a season of argument as a society; in the grander scheme, November 2nd isn't that far behind us, coupled with contrasting ideas about what to do overseas, what to do with jobs here at home, etc. And then there is argument coming for some of us on the personal level; Thanksgiving is days away and so is extended time with family, to name one example.
What do we do, and who do we become, when we come face-to-face with disagreement?

In your group time, delve deeper into the conversation than "let's stop arguing" or "conflict avoidance". Dig around in the inner chambers of the group's heart and ask deeper questions about what makes us fight, and how to not merely "stop fighting", but to recognize that there's a Kingdom way to disagree and never do damage to love of God and others.

  • Discuss your group's plan for next week if you haven't finalized that yet.
  • Have you ever seen or participated in a family argument during a holiday? WHat are your thoughts on that looking back?
  • What most impacted you from the message Sunday?
  • What themes were there that you sense are recurring fro you, or, in other words, is an ongoing work God might be trying to do in your personality?


  • 2Tim. 2:23
  • Thoughts?
  • How is this passage affected, and/or your reading of it, by finding out it's the last letter Paul wrote Timothy before he died?
  • What do you imagine were the specific things Paul was referring to?
  • What do you do when you know you're right? Should you argue all the way through to understanding, or stop and let truth be undiscovered, or is there a third way?
  • What are some of the arguments that Jesus got into?
  • According to your answer above, what is our example, Biblically, for what we argue about and how?
  • What are some examples of important issues that you lost an quarrel over, and changed your mind? Describe how it went and discuss it as a group to see if there are themes to learn from.
  • James 4:1
  • Thoughts?
  • What is the difference between a desire battling within us and the truth needing battled for?

Leader note: The answer to the above is pretty psychological. It requires quite a bit of self-awareness and emotional maturity to be able to recognize when one is fighting to be victorious (as it is sometimes trying to conquer your own parents from 30 years earlier via trying to prove your self to co-workers today) and when one is actually fighting for truth. When one gets emotional, defensive and ugly to some extent, that's often the clearest sign that something more than the issue at hand is being fought for. The battle of desire within, whether it be trying to be seen as intelligent, correct, informed, connected, can take over instantly- all while we continue to falsely argue and fight for extended periods in the name of "what's true". Dig around in this for a while as a group if they seem to be following the trail.

  • What changes when you realize this may be going on inside you?
  • What changes when you realize this may be going on inside the one you arguing with?
  • What is the benefit of clarification?
  • Why is this so difficult to stop and do?

Leader note: This is a simplistic way of loving your "enemy", or opponent, in that you are hearing them out in the same way that you wish (demand?!) to be heard.

  • Proverbs 15:1
  • Proverbs 20:3
  • Thoughts?
  • Are there times where you would have benefitted from apply this wisdom and didn't?
  • What are the difficulties emotionally and psychologically with apply this kind of wisdom when it matters most?

  • Are you or anyone you know fascinated with debate? How can this become unhealthy?
  • Are there issues you don't feel like you can discuss because of a fear that an ugly argument or division will result?
  • What is the difference between loving, Kingdom disagreement and a quarrel and how does this distinction apply to the answer to the above?
  • How can this group move forward toward becoming a group of people that aren't afraid to discuss anything because quarreling isn't an option, even though disagreement happens all the time?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Lord's (..or the disciples') prayer.

Our Father, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory forever, Amen.

Discuss the message(s!) from Sunday as a group, as well as how to expand on the Lord's prayer in daily life, using His words as a template. It may be helpful to have pencil and paper available for an extended prayer time helping your member's use a written style to focus on each line. You can read from Matthew 6 and Luke 11 to get the context from which Jesus teaches the prayer. You may also enjoy this song as a way of creating a meditative environment.

For additional study, consider 1 Chron 29:11 (a probable tie to the end of the Lord's prayer), as well as the content of the Amidah (the ancient "Standing Prayer", prayed thrice daily since before the time of Christ, pasted below the discussion questions) from which scholars believe Jesus' teaching derives.

  • What were the key points OF Sunday's message for you?
  • What was the "one thing" you took away?
  • What surprised you?
  • What bothered you? Why?
  • Have you ever heard or come across a similar teaching or idea? Have you ever been taught something that was contradictory?
  • What is/was already part of your thinking on this subject?
  • What did you learn that was new to you?
  • *About God?
  • *About yourself?
  • *About others?
  • What changes of thought are necessary in light of what you learned?
  • What changes of action are needed?
  • How would life be different if you/we applied this teaching fully?
  • What are the hindrances, and what do we do about those?
  • What role can this group play to help you take steps this week and beyond?



Blessed are you, O Lord our God and God of our fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, the great, mighty and revered God, the Most High God who bestows lovingkindnesses, the creator of all things, who remembers the good deeds of the patriarchs and in love will bring a redeemer to their children's children for his name's sake. O king, helper, savior and shield. Blessed are you, O Lord, the shield of Abraham.


You, O Lord, are mighty forever, you revive the dead, you have the power to save. [From the end of Sukkot until the eve of Passover, insert: You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall.] You sustain the living with lovingkindness, you revive the dead with great mercy, you support the falling, heal the sick, set free the bound and keep faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who is like you, O doer of mighty acts? Who resembles you, a king who puts to death and restores to life, and causes salvation to flourish? And you are certain to revive the dead. Blessed are you, O Lord, who revives the dead.


[Reader] We will sanctify your name in this world just as it is sanctified in the highest heavens, as it is written by your prophet: "And they call out to one another and say: [Cong.] 'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.'" [Isa. 6:3] [Reader] Those facing them praise God saying: [Cong.] "Blessed be the Presence of the LORD in his place." [Ezek. 3:12] [Reader] And in your Holy Words it is written, saying, [Cong.] "The LORD reigns forever, your God, O Zion, throughout all generations. Hallelujah." [Ps. 146:10] [Reader] Throughout all generations we will declare your greatness, and to all eternity we will proclaim your holiness. Your praise, O our God, shall never depart from our mouth, for you are a great and holy God and King. Blessed are you, O Lord, the holy God. You are holy, and your name is holy, and holy beings praise you daily. (Selah.) Blessed are you, O Lord, the holy God.


You favor men with knowledge, and teach mortals understanding. O favor us with the knowledge, the understanding and the insight that come from you. Blessed are you, O Lord, the gracious giver of knowledge.


Bring us back, O our father, to your Instruction; draw us near, O our King, to your service; and cause us to return to you in perfect repentance. Blessed are you, O Lord, who delights in repentance.


Forgive us, O our Father, for we have sinned; pardon us, O our King, for we have transgressed; for you pardon and forgive. Blessed are you, O Lord, who is merciful and always ready to forgive.


Look upon our affliction and plead our cause,and redeem us speedily for your name's sake, for you are a mighty redeemer. Blessed are you, O Lord, the redeemer of Israel.


Heal us, O Lord, and we will be healed; save us and we will be saved, for you are our praise. O grant a perfect healing to all our ailments, for you, almighty King, are a faithful and merciful healer. Blessed are you, O Lord, the healer of the sick of his people Israel.


Bless this year for us, O Lord our God, together with all the varieties of its produce, for our welfare. Bestow ([from the 15th of Nissan insert:] dew and rain for) a blessing upon the face of the earth. O satisfy us with your goodness, and bless our year like the best of years. Blessed are you, O Lord, who blesses the years.


Sound the great shofar for our freedom, raise the ensign to gather our exiles, and gather us from the four corners of the earth. Blessed are you, O Lord, who gathers the dispersed of his people Israel.


Restore our judges as in former times, and our counselors as at the beginning; and remove from us sorrow and sighing. Reign over us, you alone, O Lord, with lovingkindness and compassion, and clear us in judgment. Blessed are you, O Lord, the King who loves righteousness and justice.


Let there be no hope for slanderers, and let all wickedness perish in an instant. May all your enemies quickly be cut down, and may you soon in our day uproot, crush, cast down and humble the dominion of arrogance. Blessed are you, O Lord, who smashes enemies and humbles the arrogant.


May your compassion be stirred, O Lord our God, towards the righteous, the pious, the elders of your people the house of Israel, the remnant of their scholars, towards proselytes, and towards us also. Grant a good reward to all who truly trust in your name. Set our lot with them forever so that we may never be put to shame, for we have put our trust in you. Blessed are you, O Lord, the support and stay of the righteous.


Return in mercy to Jerusalem your city, and dwell in it as you have promised. Rebuild it soon in our day as an eternal structure, and quickly set up in it the throne of David. Blessed are you, O Lord, who rebuilds Jerusalem.


Speedily cause the offspring of your servant David to flourish, and let him be exalted by your saving power, for we wait all day long for your salvation. Blessed are you, O Lord, who causes salvation to flourish.


Hear our voice, O Lord our God; spare us and have pity on us. Accept our prayer in mercy and with favor, for you are a God who hears prayers and supplications. O our King, do not turn us away from your presence empty-handed, for you hear the prayers of your people Israel with compassion. Blessed are you, O Lord, who hears prayer.


Be pleased, O Lord our God, with your people Israel and with their prayers. Restore the service to the inner sanctuary of your Temple, and receive in love and with favor both the fire-offerings of Israel and their prayers. May the worship of your people Israel always be acceptable to you. And let our eyes behold your return in mercy to Zion. Blessed are you, O Lord, who restores his divine presence to Zion.


We give thanks to you that you are the Lord our God and the God of our fathers forever and ever. Through every generation you have been the rock of our lives, the shield of our salvation. We will give you thanks and declare your praise for our lives that are committed into your hands, for our souls that are entrusted to you, for your miracles that are daily with us, and for your wonders and your benefits that are with us at all times, evening, morning and noon. O beneficent one, your mercies never fail; O merciful one, your lovingkindnesses never cease. We have always put our hope in you. For all these acts may your name be blessed and exalted continually, O our King, forever and ever. Let every living thing give thanks to you and praise your name in truth, O God, our salvation and our help. (Selah.) Blessed are you, O Lord, whose Name is the Beneficent One, and to whom it is fitting to give thanks.


Grant peace, welfare, blessing, grace, lovingkindness and mercy to us and to all Israel your people. Bless us, O our Father, one and all, with the light of your countenance; for by the light of your countenance you have given us, O Lord our God, a Torah of life, lovingkindness and salvation, blessing, mercy, life and peace. May it please you to bless your people Israel at all times and in every hour with your peace. Blessed are you, O Lord, who blesses his people Israel with peace.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

As we come to the end of this series, reflect on what God has done. No matter how small, no matter how seemingly "un-church" it seemed to be- how did God move within your group?

Would you be willing to send in stories of the specifics? We have heard so many little anecdotes, so it would be great to hear it from the groups themselves. Send in some of the conversation summaries, the decisions that were made, the "aha!" moments that were experienced. We would love to know what God did through the dozens of groups that meet every week. You can send your story to Jenny at

  • What is this group going to do for Thanksgiving?
  • Socially?
  • Service?
  • Study?
  • Out of town vacations?

  • What most impacted you from the message and worship time Sunday?
  • Did anyone make a decision to follow Christ?
  • Did anyone want to make a decision to follow Christ but something felt like it was in the way still? Are you willing to discuss that?
  • Psalm 23
  • What is the main take away from this psalm as you understand it now?
  • Micah 6:6-8
  • Matthew 28:20
  • Romans 12:1
  • How are these texts related?

Leader note: Really try and elevate in the mind of your group the significance of God's desire to be with us at all times. Walking with, always with, living's always an interactive relationship with God that's at the heart of the invitation. You may want to bring up that the end of psalm 23 ends with "in the house of the Lord forever". The word "forever" puts "eternity" or "always after I die" in our minds, but the actual word in Hebrew is "yamim", which is the plural of "day". "I will live in the presence of God all my days", what it really says, is a statement of surrendering THIS life, not just the future one. This is because God wants all of us today!

  • What is a living sacrifice?
  • What is walking humbly with God?
  • What does it mean to surrender, and why is it hard to do daily?
  • Why do we so often insist that we don't need forgiveness, love and goodness from God, while still knowing that we may need it from people?

  • How does walking with God bless life?
  • How is "taking up your cross daily", being a "living sacrifice" and "walking humbly with God" better than living on your own terms?
  • What are the obstacles to living this way?

  • Are there any members of this group that want to take step in trusting God and don't know what to do? Explain.
  • How can this group, for the rest of 2010, and then into 2011, represent the heart of Psalm 23 better?

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