We're hopeful that people have felt encouraged to embrace mystery and yet feel more solid in their trust of Christ as we've dived into some pretty strange territory. Give us feedback on what God did in the last four weeks as you and your group have wrestled with The End.
This week, there's literally a thousand different ways to go about discussing judgment and thousands of hours to cover it in. Use this discussion to solidify your group's view of the character of God as revealed in Christ (John 14) and begin disbelieving in a divine terrorist that's coming to slay us all. Indeed, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and it's this very Jesus we stand before and are called into account. How do we begin to look forward to this, versus dread it as so many have been taught to do? How do we allow the character of God to judge us today, bringing us into conformity with his son?
As you discuss judgment, be sure and help your group understand that judgment isn't merely an announced condemnation, but is, Biblically, God calling things back into conformity with his way and spotlighting everything that's out of alignment with that. Judgment is How God sets things right again!
Leader note: Note that the application section at the end of this study is intended to be heavy. Make sure and leave time for that part of the discussion and the prayer time at the end so that it doesn't lose its value by being squeezed in, or neglected.
- What's something you have learned about God in the last 4 weeks?
- Has there ever been a time where you ordered food that wasn't good for you while your friend ordered something very healthy? How did you feel?
- Have you ever been talking about someone and the other person said that they weren't comfortable discussing someone that wasn't present? How did you feel?
Leader note: These are scenarios where the person isn't being judgmental, and yet their life and way call your own behavior into judgment. It's an example of an absolute standard being revealed without condemnation. You may have other examples that illustrate that sense that, even if it angers you, you recognize that a good and pure judgment has occurred.
- What impacted you most from the message Sunday?
- What other thoughts has it stirred up?
- Isaiah 6:1-7
- Thoughts?
- What did God say to Isaiah to call him into judgment about the purity of his speech?
- Explain what happened in this passage in your own words.
- Luke 5:1-8
- What did Jesus say about Simon (Peter's) sinfulness?
- How would you explain what has happened in this passage with regard to judgment?
- John 8:1-11
- Thoughts?
- How would you say Jesus handles sin?
Leader note: It's worth pointing out and discussing that Jesus says he doesn't condemn the woman (though she is not on record as having asked for this mercy and forgiveness...because God doesn't play games with magic words and phrases...he knows what we desire and what's in our best interests) though he clearly condemns the sinful behavior. Why else wouldn't he command that she never do it again? Some in the group may note that this passage doesn't show up in early manuscripts and that it seems to have been added later. There is some scholarship that suggests (convincingly) that this passage was originally not in John, but was to be found at the end of what we call Luke 21. Here, the original Greek style is perfectly attune to Luke's vocabulary and style, and flows better in the text. If it doesn't come up....you don't have to bring it up. This could definitely take you off the rails in your discussion!
- Knowing that God wants to restore all creation to its original state of goodness (Gen 1:31, Rev 21:1-4), what are reasons people may or may not look forward to the Judge coming to set things right?
Leader note: You may want to reference Isaiah 33:22 and Psalm 98:4-9 to establish that, in many examples in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), judgment is something eagerly anticipated. You may also recognize in further study of this subject, that often times judgment is NOT something israel looked forward to. In those times, they had gotten too comfy, creating idols and living out of alignment with the Way of God. Judgment was always a more ominous idea in those seasons. But, as an oppressed but faithful people, judgment was always a welcomed reality. Interesting what difficulty can do to our desire for God's goodness!
- What's are some differences between a person that welcomes the judgment of God, and one that dreads it?
- What shifts have to take place for one to change their position on judgment?
- Luke 12:2-3
- How does this passage affect how we live today?
- Is fear of being found out the point? Why or why not?
- What value does God have in one day turning all the lights on and disclosing all the secrets?
Leader note: That "disclosing" or "revealing" in the Luke 12 passage is the Greek word "apokolypto".
- How does God's judgment affect our day-to-day growth?
- How does God's judgment affect our hope in a world where things are often not fair?
- How can this group employ Christ's style of judgment, while at the same time letting go of religion's style of judgment?
- In what ways might the Spirit of Christ want to bring his judgment into the lives of this LifeGroup, but the members will not allow it?
Leader note: This is only something to dive into if you have left yourself time to "go there". Many people choose the seeming safety of shadows rather to step into light and allow themselves to be known. God uses community to begin to bring this about, so you may want to allow yourself time to get into specifics as you see fit as the leader of your unique group.
- Invite the Word of God, Jesus, and the two-edged sword of his absolute goodness to wage war against all that which works against him. Leave a solid chunk of time for this to occur, and challenge the group to take some time at various points this week to keep up this prayer exercise of inviting the judgment of Christ.