Do not underestimate the likelihood that one or more members in your group has 1. had significant problems seeing difficult people, or even different people, as made in the image of our God, or 2. has had problems with pornography in some measure. Note that the one doesn't necessarily point to the other in a person, but the two are not all that distinct. This may be a meeting time where you "go there', so use prayerful discernment about creating an environment where people can take steps in this area.
- Did looking like your parent ever benefit you?
- Did it ever cause problems?
- What stuck with you the most from the message on Sunday?
- Genesis 1:26-27
- Thoughts?
- Why do you think this is so important to have in the text?
- Why is it hard to remember, in day to day life, that other people are made in the image of their God?
Leader note: You may want to read Matthew 5:23-24 and see if Jesus' words make more sense in light of the connection between people and the image of God that they carry.
- Matthew 25:31-40
- Thoughts?
- How do these words of Jesus challenge us?
Leader note: Typically, this verse is read in it's social justice context. And rightly so. But make sure the group doesn't leave it in that column. This same reality is in play for the hurting, annoying, difficult, unintelligent among us, as well as those who sell themselves to be consumed because of their own desperation and foolishness.
- Ephesians 2:10
- Thoughts?
- The word "workmanship" or "handiwork" in the original Greek is poiema. From this word, we get "poem" in English. It denotes artwork, a thought that goes beyond the thought of having just been made. Hw does this affect how we view each other?
- Do people have to earn respect from us? Explain.
- Does Jesus respect people before or after they earn it?
- In our culture, disrespect isn't viewed as a sin much. If you were God, having made creatures that bear something of your own heart, an artistic extension of who you are- how would you view any maltreatment of others?
- What are the ways in which pornography is deeply unloving and disrespectful?
Leader note: don't let the group forget that it disrespects spouses, the "star's" parents and even the self, all of whom are made, as well, in the image of God!
- People use the term "addicted" to porn or two sexuality outside of their own marriage. How does this terminology reveal that the issue is about people being used as consumable products?
- How does a disregard for the intrinsic worth of a human being open the door to things like pornography?
Leader note: a low view of humanity, mixed with a heightened view of sensuality has us all looking at nearly nude women, in the check-out lane, right next to the candy.....
- How can this group take a step in adjusting its perception of its members?
- How can this group help each other go into the world with an elevated view of the deep worth of all people?
- How can this group challenge anybody in the group that has gotten used to hiding the role pornography ( or even the temptation of it) plays in their lives?
Spend some time thanking God for the reminder in the scriptures that humanity is not some side-note for Him. He deeply cares so much for each one of us that their is something of His own character in each of us. We have eternal worth. Pray that we would go into our day seeing the familiar and unfamiliar faces of people in our lives as looking something like God. And pray, specifically, for anyone thats bought the lie that pornography is just pictures, but that they will come to understand it creates ,multiple layers of Hell on earth, and not the Kingdom.